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vincent oglesby (not verified)

November 19, 2024


I went to PS105 with Ronald Becker, from 1969-1970 5th and 6th grade.

We also lived in the same building.., then the Edgemere housing projects.

I was looking at my 5th grade class picture and was naming persons that I remembered and I saw Ron.

I'm wondering if this is him.. ? I was also born in 1958 and was 54yrs old in 2012, and grew up in Queens.

If this is the Ronald that I knew... My sincerest condolences go out to his family.

I remember him well, as a very funny, kind and considerate person.

I tried to upload my 5th grade class photo, but this site won't let me.

I would really like to hear from someone in his family if I'm referring to the same Ronald Becker. Thank You and GOD Bless.

Posted by Vincent Oglesby

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Place of Residence:
Queens, NY
New York Police Department | Patrolman, 42nd Precinct

Ronald Becker was born in Queens, NY on September 28, 1958. Ronald was a retired Patrolman with the NYPD 42nd Precinct in the Bronx and was a 9/11 First Responder at the World Trade Center. He was a Delegate for the P.B.A and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy.