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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Yonkers, NY
Location on 9/11:
AON Corporation | Senior Vice President

Sam Salvo was a man who could be described in many different ways to many different people. He was a hard working father and husband while at the same time a fun loving boisterous friend and colleague. Sammy played a few different roles in his 59 years on this earth. Somehow, he kept it all together and knew who he was and which Sam to be at every moment. Sammy loved his Stoli on the rocks and loved good food, good wine and fine restaurants. Sammy had his soft side too. He doted on our dogs, U.B. Dallas and Amber. They were his babies who went for a ride every weekend with "Daddy". When we retired at night the dogs were on the bed as well. Sammy was a senior vice president for Aon Risk Services on the 105th floor of Tower 2. He was a hard worker who climbed to the top of his field. He was a firm believer in working hard and you get out of life what you put into it. We would be celebrating our 36th anniversary this December 10th.(2006) Sammy would say a lot of things abouot 9/11 but mostly it was his time to go. There is a reason for everthing that happens to us. He was brutally taken from our family in such a horrific way. An act of pure evil from a group of people who hate the freedom the United States stands for. Sammy would have loved his grandsons and had fun playing with them. His memory is kept alive from the photos and the boys call him Papa Sam who is up in heaven...