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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I love and miss you dearly and always will. It's been seven years from Sept. 3rd 2001 since we last spoke person to person when you stayed over in our house that memorial day weekend. It will be a lasting memory I shall cherish never knowing that memory would be the last.

I love when we sang together and now when I sing I look at two beams from the world trade center that I helped get erected and think of you.

I'll speak to you tonight as always.


Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Steven used to always come over during the holidays when I was young and was such a great guy. Everyone in our family loved him and he is definitely missed.

Posted by Michelle Fico

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I remember Steven when I was a little girl. He used to always come over for the holidays with my Uncle Bob and his wife Aunt Grace. Steven was such a great person and he will definitely be missed. I will see him again one day in Heaven : )

Posted by Michelle Fico

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I remember you coming to our house and I wish I was older at the time so that I could have known you better. everyone misses you.

Posted by P. Fico

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Steven I have not seen you since our school days in Whitestone but I will never forget you. I remember how quiet you always were so laid back. I always considered you one of my good friends. You are truly in a peaceful place missing all the craziness in the world. Watch over us and keep flashing that smile down on us okay? Your friend Kami

Posted Kami

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