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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Point, NY
Location on 9/11:
ARC Partners | Computer Consultant

Every sunny day last summer, Terence Manning would take his two daughters, Mairead, 3, and Trinity, 1, to the beach down the street from their home in Point Lookout, on Long Island. "They'd go for hours," said his wife, Megan. "He would put Mairead on a throne and make a sand castle around her. And he would try to get Trinity to put her toes in the water. They loved it."

Mr. Manning, 37, used his prodigious energies to make everything an adventure: skiing in the Alps, proposing to his wife under the Eiffel Tower, going cross-country with her on a motorcycle, or persuading his brothers to run the New York City Marathon with him ‹ and crossing the finish line holding hands.

"He could do anything he put his mind to," his wife said. "He could build a house if he decided to. He'd been a trader his entire career, but then he decided he wanted to do computer consulting, learned how, and made the change."

That career change at ARC Partners led him, finally, to a conference Sept. 11 at the World Trade Center. "His life was full of laughter and adventure," his wife said. "He left us with no regrets."