Benefit on the Green

Benefit on the Green in Support of Ice Hockey in Harlem

Benefit on the Green in Support of Ice Hockey in Harlem

Trio of ties

Tribute to Thomas Sinton
Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas and friends

Thomas Sinton with his daughter

Thomas in the pool with his daughter, July 1994

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas with his daughter

Thomas Sinton on a jet ski

In memory of Thomas Sinton

School Photo

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton with his daughter

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton and Family

In memory of Thomas Sinton

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton and Family, July 2001

Family Vacation
In memory of Thomas

Portrait of Thomas

Thomas Sinton, July 1992

Thomas Sinton on vacation

In memory of Thomas Sinton
Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Portrait of Thomas Sinton on vacation

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Portrait of Thomas Sinton
Dedication to Thomas Sinton

Tribute to Thomas Sinton

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton Memorial
Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton

In memory of Thomas Sinton

Thomas Sinton and Family

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Thomas Sinton and Family

Portrait of Thomas Sinton
In memory of Thomas Sinton

Correspondence about Cantor Fitzgerald

Correspondence about Thomas Sinton

New Jersey Senate In Memorium

Teen Newsweek - Fleeing Afghanistan


Lehigh University

Commencement - Lehigh

High School Commencement

Tribute to Thomas Sinton

We Remember Tom (Lehigh)

Garden Dedication Ceremony

Artwork by Tom

Happy Mother's Day

A Poem by Tom Sinton
Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Holiday Card

Thomas Sinton and Family

Thomas Sinton Graduation

Thomas Sinton Graduation

Portrait of Thomas Sinton

Thomas Sinton with Family

Portrait of Thomas Sinton
Service in memory of employees of Cantor Fitzgerald

Service in memory of employees of Cantor Fitzgerald

Service in memory of employees of Cantor Fitzgerald

Service in memory of employees of Cantor Fitzgerald

Lehigh University 9/11 Memorial Walkway
The Rising Westchester County 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Cantor Fitzgerald, was lost in the collapse of the World Trade Center. But his wife can still hear the sound of his laughter: deep, loud and irrepressible. "He had a great laugh," said Cathy Carilli, a portfolio manager at U.S. Trust. "And he never held it back. He was like a sunny day."
Mr. Sinton's pleasures came in doing for others: helping a stranded motorist on the highway. Helping a client plan a birthday party for his wife. Doing the chores at the couple's Westchester home when his wife was building her career and going to school at the same time. Sharing a love of the Knicks and Rangers with his 11-year-old daughter from an earlier marriage.
Ms. Carilli recalled how they met 10 years ago, when both were 31 years old and beginning their Wall Street careers. She had become friendly with a colleague of Mr. Sinton's on a vacation. Later, he asked her to fix him up with one of her girlfriends. "You're not good enough," she told the man, with the snide repartee that Wall Street types are famous for. "Why don't you fix me up with one of your friends?"
The words were barely out of her mouth, when he shouted across the bond desk: "Hey, Tom, pick up the phone." Now, Ms. Carilli's pleasure in telling the tale was as full-thoated as her husband's laughter. "That was the greatest sale I ever closed," she said.
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