Article - "Community Shines in Time of Grief" explaining a candlelight vigil held for Thomas Dowd and his family in September before they knew he passed away

Copy of an article - "Dowd is a Coach to Remember" - that appeared in the Times Herald Record Newspaper written about one of the first basketball tournaments in his name

Article written in the Times Herald-Record after Tommy's memorial service - "Harriman bids farewell to a buddy for many" - about how many people showed up, and covers Thomas Dowd's legacy as a hero, loyal friend, beloved husband, and loving father

Page 2 of article - "Dowd is a coach to remember." Here, one of Dowd's players explains how Tommy's coaching landed them a spot at a major boys basketball tournament, which was one of the biggest on the northeast for AAU
Page 1 of Thomas Dowd's Eulogy written by his best friend Scott Harris

Page 2 of Thomas Dowd's eulogy written by his best friend Scott Harris

Page 3 of Thomas Dowd's eulogy written by his best friend Scott Harris

Page 4 of Thomas Dowd's eulogy written by his best friend Scott Harris

Page 5 of Thomas Dowd's eulogy written by his best friend Scott Harris
Page 1 of a letter to Thomas Dowd explaining his everlasting impact on his family and friends and how much he will be missed. Written by Tommy's brother in law, Kevin Cregan.

Page 2 of a letter to Thomas Dowd explaining his everlasting impact on his family and friends and how much he will be missed. Written by Tommy's brother in law, Kevin Cregan.
Tom Dowd memorial tournament card talking about him as person and coach to these children.

Thomas Dowd's Obituary and Eulogy

Poster for the "2011 Tom Dowd Memorial Basketball Tournament," an annual event that honors Dowd's legacy

Tommy Dowd Memorial foundation picture

Tommy's eulogy written by his brothers and sisters. He was the youngest of 7.
A hat with the name Tommy Dowd on it, placed on the memorial fountains, at ground zero.

A memorial stone at Church of Good Shepherd where Kerri and Tommy Dowd got married

A street named after Tommy Dowd, it is at the corner of the basketball courts and Good Shepherd-Inwood Hill Park
Current photo of the Dowd family taken at Westmount Country Club in Paterson

Tommy's son in law Michael Starro and daughter Heather - whom he didn't get to meet

A photograph of the celebration of the Starros and Dowds marriage, it was a nice family dinner/get together
Tommy Dowd as a young child - 2 years old - on the pony. Families favorite picture

Tommy Dowd sitting with his mother, Mae, when he was about 10 months old
Rockland County American Patriot Garden
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
It was easy to tell if Thomas Dowd liked you, because if so, he would insult you.
"He never changed who he was based on the people who he was with," said Scott Harris, whose bonds with Mr. Dowd were forged when their neighboring town houses burned down in 1994.
Mr. Dowd would laugh at his own jokes harder than anyone, and as a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald, there were plenty of jokes — a sign on someone's back, Parmesan cheese in the telephone receiver.
But if he sometimes seemed brusque, perhaps someone — often himself, sometimes someone else — was not measuring up to expectations. At 37, he coached basketball like a fury, pouring his time and emotion into three youth neighborhood and regional leagues. The time not spent with his three children — Heather, 17, Tommy, 15, and Brittany, 10 — was devoted to his childhood friends from the neighborhood, Inwood, in Upper Manhattan.
Years earlier, his pursuit of one friend, Kerriann Cregan, had been particularly steadfast. "He would walk up the block with his basketball, and I knew he was coming because I would hear it bouncing," she said. "He had to pass my window, and I hid to watch him go by. My father always asked, 'Did he look?' " Often enough, said the former Miss Cregan, who became Mrs. Dowd in 1984.
Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on September 10, 2002.
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