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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I'm a student at winslow middle school. i'm sorry for your lost todd seem like the person that just made the room glow

he's in a better place now

Posted by a Winslow student

Kevin McCarty (not verified)

September 11, 2024

Just here to remember Todd from my UMASS days. Incredible friend, funny and caring. I think about him and more so on the anniversary of 9/11. Took SCUBA classes together and we all had the best times diving together.

Posted by Kevin McCarty

LH (not verified)

February 04, 2025

Happy Birthday Mr. Hill. I saw your flower on the memorial today. All day I thought about who you must be. I met a lot of survivors at the museum who shared their stories. I came home and read how loved you were. I hope your family is out there and reads this message that even in 2025, strangers look at your name and are able to feel moved. Thank you for being an inspiration to others. I am so sorry you were murdered all too soon.

Posted by LH

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