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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I will never forget you no matter were i am ! I will always think of you and will never stop loving you xxx thanks for the good time i spend with you! those were the best times i ever had !thank you miss you xxxxxxx

Published by rose

Thomas Marinovich (not verified)

March 11, 2025


It's been over 20 years. I think about you often.. playing football.. hanging out. I know that I will never forget you or the fun times we had. May your soul rest in peace.

Posted by Thomas Marinovich

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Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Sandler O'Neil & Partners | Investment Banker

Timothy G. Byrne was a classic, jet-setting investment banker, driving a black BMW that smelled like stogies the day after he bought it. "I used to joke with him that he just didn't want to spend any time alone in his apartment," said his brother, Sean Byrne, one of his nine siblings. A week ago Friday, after finishing up work selling bonds at Sandler O'Neill, Timothy Byrne, 36, left the office with a colleague in his BMW "loaded with golf clubs and eight cigars," Sean said. He played nine holes of golf on Long Island, came back into the city for a date, spent Saturday in Montauk with another brother and his wife, and then met Sean for a Jets game on Sunday. "That's the way it was with him," Sean said. "He always showed up, no matter how busy he was. Maybe not on time, but he was always there.