Paul on a rainy day in NYC

Portrait of Paul

Picture of Paul from a rooftop

Paul enjoying a ride on the back of a boat

Picture of Paul Cascio

Picture of Paul Cascio

Picture of Paul Cascio

Paul sitting on the back porch posing with a pipe

Portrait of Paul Cascio

Paul fishing with two friends

Paul and a friend posing like Tyson / Holyfield

Paul at a restaurant

Picture of Paul and two friends in suits

Paul enjoying a beer with a buddy

Paul and a friend at UVM

Paul with friends overlooking a city

Paul and friends enjoying some steins

Paul making some homemade pasta with friends

Paul Cascio and Friends

Paul Cascio and his mother, Janet

Paul and friend with HOLLYWOOD sign in background

Paul Cascio with family and friends

Paul Cascio and friend

Paul Cascio over the holidays

Paul Cascio sharing a laugh with a buddy

Paul Cascio and friends

Paul Cascio sharing some drinks with friends

Paul Cascio and friends at the Roman Coliseum

Paul Cascio on the beach

Paul Cascio and a friend in LA in front of HOLLYWOOD sign

Paul Cascio with friends on a boat
Sign outside Milady's Bar

Joe's Pizza

Grimaldi's Pizzeria in Brooklyn

Arturo's Pizza store front window

Inside Milady's Bar

Faccio's Italian
Paul enjoying the fresh air and sun at the beach

One of Paul Cascio's favorite places

Paul Cascio doing a tandem jump

Paul Cascio on another one of his adventures

Paul Cascio scuba diving in Bali

Paul Cascio hitting the slopes

Paul Cascio with the catch of the day
Tatoo of Paul's initials

Religious cross with Paul Cascio's initial and 9/11 date
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
On a summer weekend, the Cascios are expecting their son Paulie to arrive at their beach house with a guest. In he strides with…15 friends? "Mom, Mom," he says, "how could we choose?", his mother, Janet, recalled.
Mr. Cascio usually elected not to choose: his preference was to open his arms wide and rush at the world, sweeping up his younger brother Evan and as many friends as he could. Happily spending every penny he earned, Mr. Carpe Diem, a proud denizen of lower Manhattan,went diving in Fiji and skiing wherever the air smelled of snow. A friend would mention a half-idea for an adventure and Mr. Cascio, 23, a secret hard worker who had just been named a vice president of Euro Brokers, would reply, "Done! We’re doing it!"
His enthusiasm was undimmed. Every weekend was "incredible!" But fun only became more so if he could share it: "We’re having the best time, you’ve got to get down here!"
On occasion, Mr. Cascio did choose. When he was visiting from college, a first stop was always his three little cousins. Friends would telephone and Mr. Cascio, on the floor with the children, would reply: "I can’t see you now, I’m busy!"
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