Baby Peter Chirchirillo

Peter Chirchirillo @ 5

Peter Chirchirillo's High School Graduation Photo

Peter Chirchirillo - Early Years
Peter Chirchirillo various photos

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo Wedding and Honeymoon

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo with Nicholas

Peter Chirchirillo with sons, Michael and Nicholas in yard

Peter Chirchirillo with wife, Clara

Peter Chirchirillo with God Children

Peter Chirchirillo with Nicholas and the Boy Scouts

Peter Chirchirillo family vacation in Florida

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping with son, Nicholas

Peter Chirchirillo family Christmas photos

Peter Chirchirillo various family photos

Peter Chirchirillo various parties

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter, Clara, Mike and Nick
Peter Chirchirillo Wedding Thank You Card

Peter Chirchirillo - Early Years

Peter Chirchirillo - Early Years

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Mike

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo and wife, Clara

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Peter Chirchirillo and wife, Clara

Peter Chirchirillo's Car, "The Boby"

Peter Chirchirillo and family - the early years

Clara Chirchirillo's bridal shower

The Chirchirillo's bridal photo

The Chirchirillo's wedding reception

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo's honeymoon

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo's honeymoon

Michael Chirchirillo's baptism

Michael Chirchirillo's baptism

Michael Chirchirillo's baptism

Grandmother holding Michael

Peter Chrichirillo with son, Michael

Peter Chrichirillo with son, Michael

Peter son, Nicholas' Baptism

Peter son, Nicholas 1/2 birthday

Peter son, Nicholas 1/2 birthday

Peter son, Nicholas 1/2 birthday

Peter son, Nicholas 1/2 birthday

Peter son, Nicholas 1/2 birthday

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Mike

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Mike

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and son, Mike

Peter Chirchirillo and sons, Mike and Nick

Peter Chirchirillo and sons building garage

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo's first Christmas

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter Chirchirillo god child, Sam

Peter Chirchirillo god child, Dan

Peter Chirchirillo god child, Dan

Peter Chirchirillo god child, Dan

Peter Chirchirillo god child, Sam

Peter Chirchirillo god child

Peter Chirchirillo's god children

Peter Chirchirillo's god child, Sam

Peter Chirchirillo's god child, Kim

Peter's son Nick, The Boy Scouts

Peter's son Nick, The Boy Scouts

@ The Boy Scouts

@ The Boy Scouts

@ The Boy Scouts - the "Latrine" cake

Peter Chirchirillo's son, Mike - Graduation

Peter Cleaning up

The Chirchirillo's Family Vacation

The Chirchirillo's Family Vacation

The Chirchirillo's Family Vacation

The Chirchirillo's Family Vacation

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping with son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping with son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping with son, Nick

Peter Chirchirillo sleeping with son, Nick

The Chirchirillo family enjoys Christmas

Peter Chirchirillo with boxer

The Chirchirillo family at Christmas

The Chirchirillo family at Christmas

The Chirchirillo family at Christmas

The Chirchirillo family at Christmas

The Chirchirillo family at Christmas

The Chirchirillo's at Halloween Party

The Chirchirillo's at Halloween Party

The Chirchirillo's Hawaiian New Years Party

Peter Chirchirillo and family

Clara and Peter Chirchirillo

The Chirchirillo's at Halloween Party

Peter holding 25LB bag of rice

Peter holding 25LB bag of rice

Peter with baby

Peter with wife, Clara

Peter with wife, Clara and friends

Nick Chirchirillo's baptism

Peter Chirchirillo with sons

Peter Chirchirillo with son, Michael

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo with son, Michael

Peter with son, Michael

The Chrichirillo Family

The Chrichirillo Family

Peter Chirchirillo and sons, Nick and Michael

Clara at Mike confirmation

Clara's Graduation

Mike's High School Graduation

Peter and son, Michael at dinner
Letter to Chirchirillo Family from 911 Dispatcher

Letter to Chirchirillo Family from 911 Dispatcher P2

Letter to Chirchirillo family from Michael's High School

Condolence letter from The Office of the Commissioner

Office of the Cardinal Condolence letter

Fellow commuter letter to Clara

Poem to the Chirchirillo family

Letter to Michael Chirchirillo from family Doctor

Neshaminy Dedication Ceremony Invite

Peter Chirchirillo memorial page

Concur login page dedication to Peter Chirchirillo

Peter Chirchirillo Eulogy

Peter Chirchirillo Memorial program cover

Peter Chirchirillo family dedication

Peter Chirchirillo memorial Journey

Garden of Eden Read a loud by Clara

Peter and Clara Chirchirillo at the alter
Memorial picture

Peter Chirchirillo - the early years

Peter Chirchirillo lounging

Peter Chirchirillo headshot
Peter Chirchirillo quilt

Quilt made in honor of Peter Chirchirillo

First gift from Peter to Clara
Angel in Chirchirillo Family front yard

Rose in Chirchirillo family front yard

Picture at Peter Chirchirillo dedication ceremony

Picture at Peter Chirchirillo dedication ceremony

Picture at Peter Chirchirillo dedication ceremony

WTC Towers 1 week before 9/11
Online memorial information for Peter Chirchirillo

Excerpt from Peter Chirchirillo's Memorial program

"In Remembrance" article - Peter Chirchirillo

Courier Times - Peter Chirchirillo's Memorial

Peter Chirchirillo's Obituary

Peter Chirchirillo's Obituary

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

Pete Chirchirillo Fund Brochure

March and McLennan Companies Memorial Program

March and McLennan Companies Memorial Program

March and McLennan Companies Memorial Program

March and McLennan Companies Memorial Program

Marsh & McLennan September 11th Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Peter and Clara met when they were 20 and 16 years old (respectively). The first gift that Peter gave Clara was a stuffed monkey. “He loved monkeys,” said Clara. “This guy (the monkey) got me through everything (the loss of Peter).” Five years later, Peter and Clara decided to get married. Clara said that it was one of the best days of their life. Peter requested the Master of Ceremonies to extend the party an extra hour. His request was granted.
Clara described her husband as a jokester and yet he had a very serious side. He was her teddy bear, her strength and her best friend. He pushed her to do things, such as finishing her college degree in Special Education. All the children in the family loved Peter. He had three Godchildren (one Godson and two Goddaughters) and two sons of his own, Michael and Nicholas. He was very involved in his sons’ lives, from religious milestones and rituals to academia. He also participated in Boy Scouts and “did everything they asked him to do except wear a uniform,” Clara said. One particular joke in scouting was a latrine cake he and his son designed for a contest because someone was having problems with the latrine during one of their many camping trips. He and the boys also enjoyed doing projects together, such as building a garage and planting a vegetable garden. Peter always preferred working with his hands instead of working at a desk.
One of many of Peter’s favorite things was his Camaro. He called it, “The Baby.” Clara stated that he carried a picture of “The Baby” in his wallet, which was placed before his wedding picture and a photo of his sons. His other love was having a good time. The Chirchirillo's attended themed New Years Parties, where everyone dressed up. One year it was a luau theme and he dressed up as a hoola girl, complete with leis, a long-haired wig, and a hoola dress. Peter was not a man who enjoyed fancy things. At one party, the theme was Ritz and glamour. Instead of dressing up in a tux and tie, he dressed up as the Chauffer.
Peter Chirchirillo was a man loved by many people. “He wasn’t supposed to be there (the WTC)” said Clara, tearfully. He worked in lower Manhattan however, “Because he didn’t want to travel up-town for a meeting that day, which would take him longer in travel time, he went to his office to do a conference call instead.”
I am overdue in sending this
I am overdue in sending this message. Last week my family and spent a few vacation days in NYC. I live in York, Maine and have 2 children ages 10 and 12. We made a point to visit "Ground Zero" and I remembered Peter. I did not have the privilege to meet him but I spoke with him on the phone often during a project that my company was doing for his company. (At the time the company I worked for was based out of Exeter New Hampshire.) I believe he worked for GMAC Mortgage at the time but I could be mistaken. Anyway years have passed and whenever September 11 is mentioned I always think of him. He was the nicest customer that I ever worked with and now that I have learned more about him via the internet what I learned about him from our phone conversations was very accurate. As I said I never got to meet him but just his cheerfulness and attitude throughout our project over 10 years ago has stuck with me. I'm sure many others who had any dealings with him feel the same way. Just had to send you a short note. Rich Johnston York, Maine
Posted by Rich Johnston
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