Jon on vacation

Jon hanging with friends

Jon hanging with friends

Night out with friends

Family vacation

College graduation from Bentley 1999

Portrait of Jon

Portrait of Jon

Jon off to prom
Jon on vacation

Photo of Jon

Photo of Jon

Jon fishing


Jon on vacation

Jon- 1999

Jon on his wedding day

Jon on vacation


Photo of Jon



Jon on vacation

Photo of Jon


Photo of Jon

Jon fishing

Photo of Jon


Snorkeling on vacation

Jon fishing

Photo of Jon

Photo of Jon

Photo of Jon

Jon and his dogs

Jon and his dog

Jon walking his dogs
Jon out with friends

Vacation with friends

Christmas party with friends

Jon fishing

Fishing trip with friends

Jon with a friend

Jon with friends

Couple's vacation

Jon fishing with friends

Beach night with friends

Jon and friends

Jon with friends

Tailgating with Friends

Family vacation

Christmas party with friends

John with friends

Beach trip

Jon with family

Tammy and Jon tailgating

Jon with friends

Jon out with friends


Fishing trip

Friends fishing trip

Tailgating with Friends

Cooking with friends

Family and friends

Couple's vacation

Jon and his friend

Jon and his friend on vacation

Jon with his friend

Jon and friends

Jon and his buddy

Family beach trip

Jon and his sister

Jon and his grandmother

Baby photo of Jon

Jon's wedding day

Jon and Tammy

Jon and Tammy on vacation

Wedding photo

Jon and his wife Tammy

Jon and Tammy on vacation

Jon and Tammy's wedding

Jon and Tammy's wedding

Jon and Tammy at Christmas

Tammy and Jon on vacation


Jon's wedding day
Sept. 11 memorial
Yankees division series hot

Yankees division series hat

Jon's New York Knicks hat

Jon's Yankees division series hat
Childhood photo with Santa

Childhood photo of Jon

Jon off to school

Jon and his childhood dogs

Jon and his mom

Childhood photo of Jon

Jon's little league team

Baby photo of Jon

Childhood photo of Jon

Childhood photo of Jon
Tribute to Jon from Cantor Fitzgerald
Jon's obituary
Jon's High School Memorial bench

Baseball scoreboard in memory of Jon

Memorial tree dedicated to Jon

Angel in Anguish
Lodi High School 9/11 Memorial
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
The 9/11 Memorial Bridge
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Hoboken Island
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
Jon A. Perconti, Jr., grew up in Lodi, always surrounded by family and friends. In high school he met Tammy and an instant bond was formed. He and Tammy graduated and went on to Rutgers University together. After graduation, Jon joined the tean at Cantor Fitzgerald, where he became an equities trader.
Jon’s youth was time well spent and his grandmother tells many stories about it. “Gam”, as he called her, will tell you that Jon was even an entertainer as a child. Gam would say that Jon was always inviting friends over to her house where he would cook for them. He and his friends would go fishing and bring everything back to his Gam’s house. He would mess up her kitchen and then he and all his friends would just hang out there. Jon and Gam became quite a team in the kitchen. I recall one Christmas where Jon and Tammy were having guests at their home in Hoboken and Gam spent the night there the night before so she and Jon could wake up early to prepare the dinner. Jon was the type of person who knew what it meant to live life to the fullest. Never taking anything for granted, always being generous and welcoming everyone into his home. The minute you would walk through the door, Jon’s first question would always be, “what do you want to eat?” Being a fabulous cook, he always opted to make extravagant meals, as opposed to eating out. Just as long as the Yankees or the Giants weren’t playing that day, you could find him in the kitchen or in the backyard barbequing on his Big Green Egg.
In June of 2000, he and Tammy were married. Together, they started to build the rest of their lives. They were the epitome of true love and happiness. Then came the day when Tammy told Jon that their family was about to increase. She was carrying Jon’s first child. Everyone was ecstatic. Jon most of all. One day, a couple they were friends with went to Jon and Tammy’s house with their baby, and when Jon was holding the baby, he turned to Tammy and said, “if I break this one, do you think they will make us give them ours?”
Until the tragic events of September 11, a once fulfilled life was cut short. Jon never got to see his daughter, Julia Amelia, who was born in December. Her daddy is now an angel who watches over her, like other dads do, only Jon watches over her from heaven.
In my heart, I know that Jon knows we miss him and he knows that we love him. Someday we will all be together again, laughing with Jon.
Be at peace.
Be at peace.
Posted by Katherine Buegler nee Wrangen (formerly from Lodi NJ)
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