Tribute to Danny in Newsday
Danny & Mary. Northport, New York, 2002

Elizabeth, Danny & Michael, 1994. Northport, NY.

Danny & Tim sailing, 1983. Northport Harbor, NY

Danny & Elizabeth, 1991. Northport, NY.

Danny & Elizabeth, 1987. Northport, NY.

Danny reading with Mike, 1990. Northport, NY.

Danny & Elizabeth, 1987. Northport, NY.

Daniel with the kids on Father's Day, 1993. Northport, NY.

Tom, Margo, Mary & Danny, 1974. Brooklyn, NY.

Mike & Elizabeth celebrating Dad's birthday, 1994. Northport, NY.

Danny with his family on Elizabeth's Confirmation day, 2001. Northport, NY.

Danny with his family, 1996.

Bobby, Danny & Mark, 1988. Northport, NY.
Danny sailing, 1985. Long Island Sound, New York.

Danny in Martha's Vineyard, 1982.
Certificate of flag flown in Danny's honor over the Capitol on September 11, 2002.

Flag flown in Danny's honor over the Capitol on September 11, 2002.
Little League field dedicated in honor of Danny. Steers Park, NY.

'Dan Smith Field' dedicated in honor of Danny. Steers Park, NY.
Quilt in remembrance of Danny, November 2001. Sewn by 'Middleburgh Kids who C.A.R.E.'

Stitched label of quilt crafted in remembrance of Danny, November 2001. Sewn by the 'Middleburgh Kids who C.A.R.E.'

Stitched label of quilt crafted in remembrance of Danny, November 2001. Sewn by the 'Middleburgh Kids who C.A.R.E.'

Quilt in remembrance of Danny, November 2001. Sewn by 'Middleburgh Kids who C.A.R.E.'
Long Island 9/11 Memorial
Memorial at St. Anthony's High School
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Danny Smith SAHS 1971
I spent 4 years st St. Anthony’s High School with Danny. The photo that is shown here is how I will always remember him. He always had the same smile as shown here all day at school. I pray for his eternal peace and compassionate comfort for his family as they grieve forever.
George Vaeth SAHS ‘71
Posted by George Vaeth
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