Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Eamon Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

Franco Stewart wearing his father, Michael's leather jacket

News Article from the Montclair Times

Franco Stewart recieving his First Communion

Michael Stewart with his sons, Eamon and Franco

Franco Stewart at his graduation with his father, Michael and his teacher

Eamon Stewart's birthday party with his father, Michael

Michael Stewart with close friends and people they loved

Michael Stewart with his sons, Eamon and Franco and friends

First photo of Diana and Michael

Michael Stewart with his son, Eamon at the pool

Michael Stewart with teammates

The Irish Echo

Charles Donigian (Godfather to Eamon and Franco)

Charles Donigian (Godfather to Eamon and Franco)

Eamon Stewart with his uncle, Greg (Godfather) at a baseball game

Michael Stewart playing for Old Blue (captain)

Michael's graduation

Michael's graduation

Pastor Donald Egan with Michael Stewart and the boys in Chinatown

Tribute T-shirt

Michael Stewart's leather jacket from Bellfast

Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
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