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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

This is to the Howell family...I just wanted to let you know how truly sorry we are for the loss of Michael on 9-11. I worked with Michael at Digital Equipment Corporation and always admired his spirit of life and his love of family! Everyday he would speak so highly of his family along with making everyone around him feel happy. I pray for him often and was touched by his love of life. May God bless you and help hold dear the blessing Michael was to all. R.I.P. Michael-- All our Love the Lee Family.

Published by Julia Romano Lee

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Fred Alger & Company | Information services manager

Michael C. Howell rarely took vacations or sick days. He simply found it hard to slow down at Fred Alger Management Inc., where he was the director of management information systems. His high energy also was evident in his tennis game: he played to win. He used to be on the courts nearly every weekend with his 29-year-old son, Kevin, also a computer network engineer. His son was wary of his father's very good forehand.

Mr. Howell, 60, had to make a rotten choice recently. He had been handed a ticket to the United States Open. Should he go? He reluctantly decided that he had too many meetings planned and clients to see. His wife, Emily, remembers how he did the funniest thing. He left his office on the 93rd floor of 1 World Trade Center and drove to his home in Bayside, Queens, staying just long enough to deliver the ticket to her. "He startled me," she says. Then he went straight back to work.