Missing: How a grief ritual is born

Newspaper Article - "Family holds out hope for man on 100th floor"

In memory of Roger

Missing: How a grief ritual is born

Missing poster for Roger Rasweiler

Missing poster for Roger Rasweiler

Newspaper Article - "Mark Rasweiler, Victim of Trade Center Attack"

Newspaper Article - "Family holds out hope for man on 100th floor"

In memory of Roger Rasweiler

Article - "Park will honor Sept. 11th victims"

In memory of Roger Rasweiler
Wedding photo

Roger and Susan

Portrait of Roger

Roger with friends

Missing posters for Roger Rasweiler

Roger Rasweiler and family

In memory of Roger Rasweiler


In memory of Roger Rasweiler

Wedding photo

In memory of Roger

In memory of Roger
Memorial tattoo for 9/11

Memorial tattoo for 9/11
In memory of R. Mark Rasweiler

Prayer Card for Roger

September 12

In loving memory of Roger Rasweiler
Clarkson University 9/11 Memorial

Clarkson University 9/11 Memorial

First Aid and Rescue Squad Vehicle









Mark Rasweiler Memorial Bench

In Memory of Mark Rasweiler

9/11 5000 Missing

In memory of Roger Rasweiler

In memory of Roger Rasweiler
Portrait of Roger Rasweiler

Portrait of Roger Rasweiler
In memory of Roger Rasweiler

Searching for names on a list of survivors

Searching for names on a list of survivors
Mark Rasweiler's Business Card
Roger Mark Rasweiler and Family

In memory of Roger Rasweiler

In memory of Roger Rasweiler

In memory of Roger Rasweiler

Connecticut's 9/11 Living Memorial
Mark Rasweiler Memorial Bench
Marsh & McLennan September 11th Memorial
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
Marsh Memorial Dedication
Marsh & McLennan Companies Memorial Tributes
9/11 Ceremony: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive
Mark Rasweiler was born in Brooklyn. He and his wife, Susan, had two grown daughters and lived with their teenage son in Flemington, New Jersey. On weekends, Mark and his son went canoeing on a stream near home to fish for smallmouth bass and trout. A vice president at Marsh & McLennan, Mark was at work there on the 100th floor of the North Tower on September 11. He was 53 years old.
Love and miss you more than words can tell
Posted by Caryn Wiley
I was a high school classmate
I was a high school classmate of Mark, and I'm sending my sympathy to his family on this day, 9/11/15
Posted by Liz Gissen Karp
Always in our hearts.
Always in our hearts.
Published by Diane Rasweiler
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