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Lillyth Huston (not verified)

September 22, 2022

Hello, I am a Freshman at my high school and I am doing a project about Gordan M. Aamoth Jr I wished to send my condolences to the family.

I am very sorry for your loss and I hope you have overcome the pain gifted by this event. 

Thank you.

Posted by Lillyth Huston

Cale Valent (not verified)

September 27, 2022

Hello, I am a Freshman at my high school and I am doing a project about Gordan M. Aamoth Jr I wished to send my condolences to the family.

I am very sorry for your loss.

Posted by Cale Valent

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Sandler O'Neil & Partners | Investment Banker

Gordy Aamoth was at the top of his game. His golf was improving, and he had a membership in the Creek Club in Locust Valley, N.Y. He had girlfriends. And on Monday, Sept. 10, in his hometown of Minneapolis, he completed his biggest merger deal as an investment banker at Sandler O'Neill & Partners. The deal was to be officially announced the next day at the firm's World Trade Center office.

Mr. Aamoth, 32, was always a good athlete. He was the captain of his high school football team and played hockey. He went to Babson College in Wellesley, Mass., and earned a business degree. "He always knew he wanted to go to Wall Street," said his father, Gordon.

Gordy Aamoth also loved parties and how he looked. "Every situation was more fun when Gordy was there," said his mother, Mary. "He was always beautifully put together."

Despite entreaties to consider returning to Minneapolis, Gordy Aamoth was determined to stay in New York, even if it was far from his family. "He loved New York," his father said. "He often said, 'You had to know it to love it, and most people don't.' "

But there will be a touch of Gordy Aamoth at home. His high school, the Blake School, has decided to name its new football field the Gordy Aamoth Memorial Stadium.