Kevin at age two with his older Sister Susan. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Dressed in their Easter best, May 1962 Left to right -Susan 3 yrs., Kevin 2 yrs.

Kevin pre first grade, 5 years old.

York Family Portrait, Christmas 1968. Left to Right, Mom Elizabeth Ann York, Susan, Mary, Kevin, John Patrick York.

Kevin, 19-years-old, 1978, in 1971 MG Midget.

Kevin, 2nd from left, worked as a lifeguard with big sister, Susan (4th from left).

Kevin taking his future wife, Chiemi Brindle, to her high school senior prom.

Kevin celebrating his college graduation with his favorite ice cream cake.

Thanksgiving at Kevin and Chiemi's historic house in Trenton, NJ.

Kevin relaxing in their new home in Princeton, NJ.

Kevin celebrating his BIG 40th birthday with family and friends at his home in Princeton, NJ.

Kevin celebrating his BIG 40th birthday with family and friends at his home in Princeton, NJ.

Kevin celebrating his BIG 40th birthday with family and friends at his home in Princeton, NJ.

Kevin's college graduation.
York kids gave parents 25th wedding anniversary party. Susan York (sister), Mary York (sister), Kevin, John York (dad), Elizabeth "Betty" York (mom), Timothy York (brother).

Kevin's college graduation with Grandfather Jim Dysart and Grandmother Dysart.

College graduation with proud parents, Elizabeth and John York.

Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA on a whale watch boat, Kevin (sea sick) and Chiemi.

Annual event, Christmas Eve at Aunt Pat's. Bottom row, left to right: cousin Tracy Stires, mom Elizabeth, Aunt Pat Stires, sister Mary, brother Timothy. Middle row: cousin Michael Stires with daughter Amanda Stires being held by mom Priscilla Stires, Kevin's dad John, Uncle Skip Stires, wife Chiemi York, sister Susan. Back row: brother-in-law Jordan Peled, Kevin York, friend.

Kevin's wife, pregnant with their first child, holding onto their nephew, Matthew Peled (Kevin's sister Mary's first child).

Kevin holding his nephew Matthew.

Chiemi's baby shower, with Kevin.

Chiemi and Kevin with first born, baby boy Connor York.

Baby christening of Chiemi and Kevin's first born, Connor, in Princeton, NJ. Kevin, Chiemi, Godparents Timothy (Kevin's brother) and Mary (Kevin's sister) with priest. Same church where Kevin's funeral was held.

Baby christening of Chiemi and Kevin's first born, Connor, in Princeton, NJ. Kevin, Chiemi, and Mary (Kevin's sister) with priest.

Kevin and Chiemi's house in Princeton, NJ after Connor's christening.

Kevin and Chiemi's house in Princeton, NJ after Connor's christening. Left to right: kevin's mom's friend, Marie; Kevin's best friend, Paul Kost with his wife; brother-in-law, Jordan Peled.

Christening of Kevin's nephew, Matthew Peled, in Point Pleasant, NJ. Kevin at far right holding his son, Connor.

Kevin's sister, Mary Peled, holding her son, Matthew, and Kevin holding his son, Connor.

Kevin holding his nephew, Matthew, next to brother, Timothy York.

Kevin with his big sister, Susan York, on left and little sister, Mary, with her son, Matthew, Point Pleasant, NJ. Christmas 1995

Proud dad, Kevin, with son, Connor.

Kevin with son, Connor.

Kevin with son, Connor.

Kevin with son, Connor.

Christmas, Kevin with son, Connor.

Fall family outing picking pumpkins. Kevin, Chiemi and Connor.

Fall family outing picking pumpkins. Little sister, Mary, with her son, Matthew, Kevin's son, Connor, Chiemi and Kevin.

Chiemi, Kevin and Connor standing on their newly purchased building lot ready to build their beautiful new home in Princeton, NJ.

Kevin with son, Connor, on his third birthday.

Family outing at the NJ shore. Kevin, Chiemi and Connor.

Family outing at the NJ shore. Kevin, Chiemi and Connor.

Kevin and Connor, vacation in Mexico.

Kevin and Connor, vacation in Mexico.

Kevin at home playing with son, Connor.

Kevin celebrating his 40th birthday, on his actual birthday, with family.

Kevin holding his second son, Aidan (born December 2000), at his christening.

Kevin holding his second son, Aidan, at his christening with left to right: Godparents, Chiemi's brother, Albert Brindle; Kevin's sister, Susan York; Kevin holding Aidan; Chiemi with big brother, Connor (5-years-old).

Kevin, Chiemi and Aidan after christening at their home.

Family vacation in Turks and Caicos.

Kevin's son, Connor catching his first fish.

Kevin taking his family to the Statue of Liberty - Kevin carrying son, Connor (6-years-old).

Kevin taking his family to the Statue of Liberty - Kevin carrying son, Connor (6-years-old).

Chiemi and Kevin going out - sister, Susan, babysitting kids.
Kevin and Chiemi, Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA.

Kevin and Chiemi's wedding rehearsal.

Kevin and Chiemi on their wedding day with Kevin's parents, John and Elizabeth.

Kevin and Chiemi's wedding party: Kevin's sister, Mary, a friend, Chiemi's sister, Linda, friend Becky, Chiemi, Kevin, Kevin's brother, Timothy, a friend, Jordan Peled, brother-in-law, Chiemi's nephew, Chris.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. York

Kevin and brother, Timothy. Both born on September 6 nine years apart on different islands (Kevin on Bermuda and Timothy on Okinawa, Japan).

Kevin dancing with mom, Elizabeth York, at wedding reception, Princeton, NJ.

Chiemi and Kevin dancing at their wedding reception - Kevin goofing off as usual.

Kevin dancing with big sister, Susan York, at wedding reception.
Looking at NYC skyline - Kevin pointing out where he worked, WTC2, to family.

Looking at NYC skyline - Kevin pointing out where he worked, WTC2, to family.

Looking at NYC skyline - Kevin pointing out where he worked, WTC2, to family.
First anniversary of 9/11; Firefighter statue.

First anniversary of 9/11; Firefighter statue.

First anniversary of 9/11; NYC building.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero - left to right: Kevin's sister, Susan, wife Chiemi, sister-in-law, Linda.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero - sights on the way.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero - sights on the way.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero - sights on the way.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony at Ground Zero - sights on the way.

first anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony - down to Ground Zero.

first anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony - down to Ground Zero.

first anniversary of 9/11 - heading to ceremony - down to Ground Zero - Kevin's wife, Chiemi.

First anniversary of 9/11 - Ground Zero - Kevin's photo with son, Connor, at the site.

First anniversary of 9/11 - heading back up after ceremony - Kevin's sister, Mary - very sad and emotional day for all.

First anniversary of 9/11 - ceremony over - heading back out and home.

Tribute in Light photograph of NYC skyline.
Essay written by Kevin's sister, Susan York, after a visit with her dentist, and Kevin's best friend, Paul Kost.

Quilt square for Kevin from United in Memory.

Comic strip "One Big Happy" did a piece for 9/11 with Kevin's name in it.

Document of Kevin's enrollment in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society.

Book of Remembrance created by Euro Brokers.

Kevin's page in Euro Brokers' Book of Remembrance.

Program from Our Lady Queen of Peace Remembers: A Service of Hope - piece written about Kevin.

Program from Pemberton High School Gala honoring Hall of Fame inductees.

E-mail sent to family regarding reading of the names at anniversary events.

Letter from NYC Mayor's Office regarding plans for annual commemoration.

Letter from NYC Mayor's Office regarding plans for annual commemoration.

Document of Kevin's enrollment in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society.

Document of Kevin's enrollment in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society.
Article about Kevin

Obituary article that mentions Kevin as one of three men buried in Princeton Cemetery who died on 9/11. article that mentions Kevin as one of three men buried in Princeton Cemetery who died on 9/11.

Magazine, Signs of the Times, special issue about 9/11.

Special Commemorative Edition magazine for first anniversary of 9/11 from the editors of "The Day that Changed America."

Newsweek Special Commemorative Edition first anniversary of 9/11.
Program from Euro Brokers' Remembrance Tribute on the first anniversary of 9/11.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Euro Broker's memorial service.

Program from Kevin's memorial service.

Program from Kevin's memorial service.

Program from Kevin's memorial service.

Program from Kevin's memorial service.
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
Kevin York was a traveler who always knew how to make himself feel at home.
An Air Force brat whose family was living in St. Georges, Bermuda, when he was born, Mr. York would go on to spend his childhood shuttling between New Mexico, New Jersey, Ohio and Okinawa, Japan.
"Wherever we went, he just joined right in," recalled his younger sister, Mary Peled. "He made new friends easily, he joined the clubs, he played sports, and there was never any hesitation. He was never shy."
By the time his parents settled down in Burlington County, Mr. York had developed a love of travel and a commitment to family that he carried with him the rest of his life.
"We moved all over the world together, and we were a very tight family," said Peled, "because all you have in the military is your family."
The first member of his family to go to college, at Stockton State, in 1990 Mr. York wed Chiemi Brindle, his sweetheart from Pemberton High School. After settling down in Princeton, they began their own run of globe-trotting, at first traveling alone, then with their son Connor, now 6, and most recently 10-month-old Aidan.
Among other stops, the couple has been to London, France, Cancun, Mexico, Disney World, and, earlier this year, the Carribean islands of Turks and Caicos.
"They made a great couple," said Mr. York's close friend and frequent golf partner, Paul Kost. "He put his family by far above every other thing in his life."
Mr. York's commitment to family extended beyond his own household. When his mother, Elizabeth, died six years ago, Mr. York took over the family leadership role, holding Thanksgiving at his house, offering a shoulder to lean on and a sympathetic ear to his siblings and coordinating every family occasion.
At a party to celebrate his 41st birthday on Sept. 6, Mr. York described his Christmas plans. Instead of giving each other gifts, the adults would get together for dinner and a Broadway show in what was to be a new family tradition. Mr. York would organize it the first year, and then they would take turns.
On Sept. 11, Mr. York reported to his job as a senior vice president for EuroBrokers Inc. on the 84th floor of Two World Trade Center. He was last seen helping several co-workers climb to the 91st floor after the downward stairwell appeared impassable.
Mr. York also is survived by his sister, Susan York; his brother, Timothy York, and his father, John York
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Paul's Church, 214 Nassau St., Princeton.
Profile by Alan Sepinwall published in THE STAR-LEDGER.
I bet if i knew this man i
I bet if i knew this man i would like him very much. What happened that day was very tragic and my heart goes out to this family and all the others like it.
Sincerely Jackson Payne of Frederickburg, Va
I am a high school student…
I am a high school student writing from Kansas. We are doing an assignment in class where we randomly pick a person who passed during the 9/11 attack. I was lucky to have been able to learn about Mr. York, he seemed like such an enjoyable person to be around. Knowing how close he was to his family, I am terribly sorry for your loss.
Posted by Jill Gayley
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