A photo of Ed with family

Edelmiro as a young man

Edelmiro with his wife, Lorraine on their wedding day

Edelmiro dancing at a party

A picture of Edelmiro in military uniform

A picture of Edelmiro in US Army uniform

A picture of Edelmiro Abad with his family

A picture of Edelmiro with his daughters

A picture of Edelmiro with his daughter on a carousel

A picture of Edelmiro at a graduation

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife, Lorraine at Christmas

A picture of Edelmiro at a wedding

Edelmiro with his wife, Lorraine at Christmas

A Picture of Edelmiro Abad being held at a wedding

Edelmiro with his wife, Lorraine

Edelmiro with his three daughters, Serena, Rebecca, and Jennifer

A picture of Edelmiro at an event

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife and daughters

A picture of Edelmiro lying with a family member

Edelmiro dancing at a party

Edelmiro with his wife, Lorraine

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife and friends

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife and friends

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife and friends

A picture of Edelmiro with family

A picture of Edelmiro with his wife and family

A picture of Edelmiro at an event

Edelmiro with family

A picture of The National Arbor Day Foundation mission statement

A picture of a donation made in Edelmiro Abad's name

A donation in honor of Edelmiro to the National Forest
A picture of an award given to Edelmiro Abad for his service in Vietnam

A recognition of Edelmiro's time in Vietnam

Edelmiro's army award

A commendation medal given by the army to Edelmiro

army award
A speech written by Edelmiro Abad's younger sibling

A letter written to Edelmiro from Spain

A letter written by Edelmiro's sibling

A speech written for Edelmiro from his sister

A speech written for Edelmiro's funeral

A program for a mass service

A tribute to Edelmiro
A newspaper article written in Spanish about Edelmiro

A newspaper article written about Edelmiro Abad

A newspaper article written about Edelmiro Abad

A newspaper article about Edelmiro in Spain

A newspaper article from Spain

A newspaper article from Spain
Edelmiro's family

A picture of Edelmiro with friends

Edelmiro and his family

Edelmiro and his wife and daughter

A small village

A picture of Edelmiro with family on a statue

Edelmiro's wife and friends/family

Landscape of Moncalvillo, Spain where the memorial monument for Edelmiro resides
A memorial dedicated to Edelmiro

Memorial in Spain dedicated to Edelmiro

A memorial to Edelmiro in Spain

The memorial for Edelmiro in Spain

A small village

Edelmiro's memorial in Spain

Edelmiro's memorial in Spain

Edelmiro's memorial in Spain

Spanish Memorial

Spanish Memorial

Overview of Moncalvillo Memorial in Spain

Moncalvillo Memorial in Spain

Family and friends pay their respects to Edelmiro Abad Memorial

Edelmiro Abad Elvira Monument in Moncalvillo

Side view of Edelmiro Abad Elvira Monument in Moncalvillo

Edelmiro Abad Elvira Plaque on Moncalvillo Memorial
Edelmiro's memorial program

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A collection of pictures of Edelmiro with friends and family

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A poem and a tribute to Edelmiro

A picture and a tribute to Edelmiro from his daughters and friends

A photo dedicated to Edelmiro from his family

Memorial Program

Memorial Program

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro

A tribute to Edelmiro
Edelmiro's army award/certificate
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
Being the father of three daughters and living in a house full of women was not always easy for Edelmiro Abad, whom everyone called Ed. It meant the unavoidable issue of boyfriends.
"If there was a male voice calling for one of the girls, he’d get chest pains," his wife, Lorraine Abad, remembered with a laugh. "The boyfriend issue was big."
For Abad, 54, his daughters were his treasures. Rebecca, 26, Jennifer, 23, and Serena, 19, all still live at home, and the family always took vacations together. The extremely close Brooklyn family also includes Abad’s parents, Ascension and Jacinto Abad, who also live in the house.
"Family was very important to him," his wife said. What first attracted her to him, she said, was "his charming ways, his sense of family."
Abad, who worked on the 90th floor of Tower Two for Fiduciary Trust Co. for 26 years, was senior vice president at the time of the attack. For his daughters, life revolved around dance. And since his life revolved around them, Abad was always a part of the dance circuit scene. He attended countless recitals and competitions over the past 22 years, right up until this fall.
"Even some of our vacations had to do with competitions," his wife said.
Twice, Abad even performed at the recitals. The normally soft-spoken and reserved man sported a white shirt, black pants and slung on a guitar to sing "La Bamba" in his native tongue. It was a big deal for the girls, which is why he did it. "It’s not the thing for him to do," his wife said. "He’s not showy like that."
Born in Spain, Abad came to the United States when he was 7. His wife described him as a simple man with simple pleasures. He loved war- and religious-themed movies, took long walks along Shore Road in Bath Beach and was happiest just to nosh on his parents’ homegrown tomatoes, lovingly grown in the backyard. Abad said he didn’t feel well if he had to go a few days in the summer without the tomatoes, and waited anxiously through the winter months until they grew again. Even while on summer vacations, said his wife, he would take some along in a paper bag.
The Abads traveled to Spain twice with their daughters to visit family. The last trip was a month before the September attack, when they went to Abad’s hometown of Moncayo Dela Sierra in northern Spain. His wife said she feels a sense of comfort knowing he spent time with many of his relatives just before the attack, including some he hadn’t seen in 14 years.
On those trips to Spain, he would take his wife to places he remembered from his childhood - a hilltop to eye a certain vista, even a drinking well where he almost drowned as a child.
"He loved going up to the highest point in the mountains," his wife said. "There he felt at one with the earth."
I worked with Ed at Fiduciary
I worked with Ed at Fiduciary Trust from 1980 through 1982. Fiduciary was my first job out of college and Ed helped me navigate my way from the academic world to the working world.
He was friendly, bright, funny and always encouraging.
I was downtown on Broadway today. As always I looked North West to the sky and remembered my years at FTC. And I remembered the friendly face and warm spirit of Ed Abad.
Posted by Peter Gordon
9-11 was a very sad and
9-11 was a very sad and heartbreaking event. Not only for the families who lost family and friends but also for the U.S. as a whole. We will never forget this day or the people who suffered from it. They will forever live on in our hearts and in our minds. You are not forgotten and you never will be. Rest in peace Ed.
Posted by Nick Starosta
I am an 8th grade student who
I am an 8th grade student who is doing a report on Ed. He is a wonderful person who had a great life. I am sorry for your loss.
Posted by Kyle Montgomery
I'm an eighth grade student
I'm an eighth grade student at Lindero Middle School. I read about your information about your loved one and a picture of Edelmiro is hanging in our classroom. I'm sorry for your loss.
Posted by Emma Yablans
To the family of Edelmiro
To the family of Edelmiro Abad. I'm so sorry for your loss. In my social studies class we all picked one person and typed a report on that one person. My group picked your loved one. His picture will be hung up in our classroom. He will never be forgotten.
Posted by Brianna Thomas
Big Brother I hope you know
Big Brother I hope you know how much you ment to me. Since I was little you always watched over me. Losing you was the hardest thing that I have ever had to go through and the pain will never go away. Hope that you are in peace and now papa is by your side. Now I know that I have 2 very special guardian angels watching not only me but my whole family. Will love and miss you all my life. Give a kiss to Papa I know he's with you.
Published by vicky abad
I just learned about you today as I read into our fallen 9/11 patriots. Being in the Army, it warmed my heart to see your ARCOMs & to read you were from España.
Ed, I hope you know we will never forget your sacrifice or that of the other thousand souls we lost that day. You are all in our hearts always!
Posted by Anonymous
I am Logan Clark a sophomore…
I am Logan Clark, a sophomore. I have been reading the story about Ed, and he seemed like a very wonderful person. Sorry for your loss.
Posted by Logan Clark
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