Financial donation submitted by Joseph's friend, Trevor Cass, to St. John the Divine (Amsterdam Avenue NY) which took the form of a dedication in respect of 32ft. Contre Bombarde pipe located in the Aeolian Skinner organ in the Cathedral in memory of Joseph Flounders.

Every weekday, Joseph Walkden Flounders arose at 3:30 a.m. at his home in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. He drove to Harrison, N.J., then took a train so he could be at his desk by 8:30 a.m. on the 84th floor of 2 World Trade Center, where he was a money-market broker at Euro Brokers.
"The house was his sanctuary," said his wife of 21 years, Patricia. They had slaved away, renovating it ever since they moved there three years ago from Brooklyn Heights, after her health problems spurred him "to find a better quality of life for both of us," she said. "We'd been working on the house three years, and three days before he died, we finished it."
Living Memorial Submission
I became a friend of the Flounders family in August 1974 when my wife and I traveled to Hong Kong via NY, San Francisco and Tokyo to take up a temporary position as Head Trader and Barclays Bank HK.
As tourists we traveled out to Old Greenwich and met Joe Flounders (Joe's father) as we wandered round a local park.
Joe's generous nature included inviting us back to his home, entertaining is all day, feeding us and making us family friends. We also met Joe junior, who was looking for a future in the financial market. To cut a long story short, I was able to arrange an interview with a brokerage company which offered him the job he wanted.
Over the following 27 years I was pleased to see Joe junior's career blossom and from time to time during that period, we met both in NY and London.
9/11 was just the most terrible tragedy and I regularly corresponded and spoke to his mother Leila-May until just a few years ago when her retirement home in Florida refused to pass on details the new home to which they said she has moved.
I attended Joe's NY memorial service and recall speaking to Pat (his wife) who also called me subsequently telling me how badly affected she had been by his death.
To memorialise Joe, I decided to make a financial donation to St. John the Divine (Amsterdam Avenue NY) which took the form of a dedication in respect of 32ft. Contre Bombarde pipe located in the Aeolian Skinner organ in the Cathedral.
Finding this memorial site to 9/11 victims and Joe's various memorials already noted, it just seems that this memorialised dedication to Joe should also be listed.
Many thanks for your kind attention and to taking the trouble to read my message.
Posted by Trevor Cass
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