Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
From his older brother Dominic's vantage point, Christopher Ciafardini was "the ultimate stimulus junkie." At the age of 9, his fascination with bicycling inspired him to complete a 100-mile race. Then he quit biking and fixated on comics and becoming a cartoonist. During his weight-lifter phase, he presented his mother with a subscription to Muscle & Fitness magazine one Mother's Day as a way of sharing his hobby du jour; she was thrilled when he outgrew it.
Studying was never a forte until college, when his attention turned to finance. To the family's surprise, Mr. Ciafardini found a passion that stuck and carried him through graduate school at Cornell University into a real-life version of his favorite film, "Wall Street." He and his friends began living out a game called "Who Retires First?"
Last spring, Mr. Ciafardini, 30, joined Fred Alger Management as a financial analyst, and in August was promoted to vice president. He had a closet full of Brooks Brothers suits he could not wait to jump into each weekday morning and had just gotten his first passport, a hint that international finance was his next niche.
"He was one of those typical Wall Street guys who worked 18-hour days and loved it," said Dominic Ciafardini. "It wasn't just a job to him; it was his identity."
Thinking of Chris
Every year the Class of 1999 at Cornell’s Johnson School remembers Chris. His drive, his quiet humor, his ability to how you with his understanding and passion for finance. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers Chris. We miss you and morn the loss the world suffered when we lost you.
Posted by Den Garber
Remembering Chris
Thank you for sharing this in memory of Chris. He was a gift to his family ..cousins
Posted by Dave and Di St.Amour
In Memoriam to Chris
It still seems like yesterday still. Such a tragic loss. Chris was so successful and gave so much with his young life. We still envision him playing at the family Christmas parties as an awesome young boy.
Always in our hearts, in peace,
David and Diane St.Amour and family.
Think of you often
One of my dearest friends who could make me laugh like no other. A man with a fierce drive, focus and competitiveness. Always in my prayers and never far from my thoughts. Often think about the last time I saw you at my wedding and the last time we spoke, merely weeks before that tragic day. Never forget!
Posted by Damian Martorella
Thinking of you
Just thinking of you on a snowy late February evening and how we used to laugh and talk about everything and anything. You pushed me into becoming an economic major and what I do today is largely because of you. I remember our friendly discussions, whether it be music, sports, entertainment, politics or discussing finance, you were a fierce debater and it didn’t matter if we agreed or disagreed, you always had an informed, spirited, strong opinion that couldn’t be swayed (believe me I tried!!!) Love you and miss you my dest friend as you are always close to my mind and heart. I speak of you often and will keep your memory alive. I know I will see you again.
Posted by Damian Martorella
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