A flower with hearts

A letter written by John McCowley

A letter written by John McCowley

A letter written by John McCowley

Daniel posing at a statue

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends

A paper describing Dan's jersey

Dan's soccer jersey

Daniel with his newborn child

Dan with Michael Strahan

Dan and his wife on their honeymoon

Dan at his son's baptism with close friends

Biography of Dan

Dan with his god daughter

Dan's sons and nieces

A tribute to Dan

Dan and his wife at their wedding

The last pages of Dan's wedding book

A tribute to Dan

A portrait of Dan

A portrait of Dan

BC memorial page
A portrait of Daniel
A thank you from Dan to his mom
A portrait of Dan with a tribute underneath
Dan with friends
Dan at his brother's wedding
Dan and his wife in Santa Barbara
Portrait of Dan
A collage of Dan with wife, family and friends
Dan's sons
A newspaper article about the birth of Dan's son
Dan and his brother as children
Dan and his friend at his prom
Dan playing soccer
Dan, hsi wife and his parents at his wedding
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
The 9/11 Memorial Bridge
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Manalapan 9/11 Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
I know I don't know you
I know I don't know you (Daniel) or any of your family but I felt like I just needed to say something. I still don't understand (and don't think I ever will) the acts of terrorism on that day. To take the lives of innocent people without one bit of grief how or why they did it is beyond me. I feel for you and your family. And I can only hope that after ten years your family can deal with your death more easily. Its crazy to think that there are so many people that were lost on 9/11. 9/11 is always thought of as a huge act of terrorism with a huge mass of dead people. But a lot of the times we never stop to think about the individuals and families that are effected by this crazy act of violence. So that's why I stopped by this page to let you know know that i'm thinking about the individual and that includes you.
Posted by Samantha Mikelson
Dear Stacey and the Afflitto
Dear Stacey and the Afflitto Family,
I looked at the beautiful pictures of Dan and his family and I appreciate you posting them. I always think of him and you on this day. I remember him in high school always walking in the hallways with his mom at the end of the day if she worked as a substitute.I always knew he loved his family. Please know that everyone who knew Dan think and pray for him and his lovely family. His boys are beautiful and look like him..what a gift. God bless you all and know that you are forever in our prayers.
Dear Joe & Eleanor
Dear Joe & Eleanor
My thoughts are with you this day....my deepest feelings accompany those thoughts.
Posted by Dr. Bert Rotman
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