Victims Listed:
Margaret A. Alario "Peggy"Jacquelyn D. Aldridge-Frederick "Jackie"
Laura Angilletta
Faustino Apostol Jr.
Frank Thomas Aquilino "F.T."
Louis Arena
Adam P. Arias
John James Badagliacca
Jane Ellen Baeszler
Walter Baran
Gerard A. Barbara
Arthur T. Barry
Carlton W. Bartels
Michael E. Beekman "Mickey"
John P. Bergin
Paul M. Beyer
Brian Bilcher
Carl V. Bini
Susan M. Bochino
Sandra Conaty Brace "Sandy"
Gregory J. Buck "Greg"
Kathleen A. Burns
Patrick Cain
Salvatore B. Calabro
Philip V. Calcagno
Michael F. Cammarata
Vincent A. Cangelosi "Vinny"
Brian Cannizzaro
Peter Carroll
John Chipura
Frances Ann Cilente
Michael Clarke
Robert Cordice
Thomas Patrick Cullen III
Robert Curatolo
Beverly L. Curry
Michael D. D'Auria
Scott M. Davidson
Edward James Day "Eddy"
Jason DeFazio "Jay"
Vito J. DeLeo
Joseph L. Di Pilato
John Difato
Carl A. DiFranco
George DiPasquale
Joseph M. Doyle "Bulldog"
Felicia Gail Dunn-Jones
Capt. Martin J. Egan Jr. "Marty"
Francis Esposito
Michael C. Fiore
Donald A. Foreman "D"
Clement Fumando
Deanna L. Galante
Cesar Garcia
Gary P. Geidel "MuleBone"
James A. Giberson "Jim"
Monica Goldstein
James M. Gray
Joseph Grzelak
Lt. Joseph P. Gullickson
Steven M. Hagis Jr.
Thomas Hannafin
Vassilios G. Haramis
Frances Haros
Lt. Harvey L. Harrell
Michelle M. Henrique
Jonathan R. Hohmann
Steven L. Howell
B.C. Charles L. Kasper
Richard J. Kelly Jr.
Howard Kirschbaum "Barry"
Patricia A. Kuras
David LaForge
Robert T. Lane
Mary Lou Langley
Michele B. Lanza
Stephen James Lauria
Jeannine M. LaVerde
Neil Leavy
Daniel F. Libretti
Vincent Litto
Lee Charles Ludwig
Marie Lukas
Jennieann Maffeo
Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta
Lt. Paul Richard Martini
Anne Marie Martino-Cramer "Annie"
Joseph A. Mascali
Michael Massaroli "Mike,Maz"
Walter Matuza
Charles J. Mauro
Charles A. Mauro Jr. "Chuck"
John McAvoy
Stephanie McKenna
Timothy Patrick McSweeney "BigGuy"
Philip D. Miller
Benjamin Millman "Benny"
Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell "BigDaddy"
Richard P Miuccio
Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi
Carl Molinaro
Kristen Montanaro
Christopher Mozzillo
Brian Felix Nuñez
Joseph J. Ogren
Linda Mary Oliva
Eric T. Olsen
Jeffrey James Olsen
Steven John Olson
Pablo Ortiz
Jeffrey M. Palazzo
Alan N. Palumbo
Paul Pansini
Salvatore T. Papasso
Lt. Michael Quilty "Mike"
Peter F. Raimondi
Joseph Reina Jr.
Anthony Rodriguez
Keith Roma
Nicholas P. Rossomando
Thomas E. Sabella
John A. Santore
John A. Schardt
Angela Susan Scheinberg
Adriane Victoria Scibetta
Robert J. Shay Jr.
Stephen Gerard Siller "Steve"
Paul Joseph Simon
Marianne Simone
Rosemary A. Smith
Sushil Solanki
Michael F. Stabile
Jeffrey Stark
Hilario Soriano Sumaya Jr.
Harry Taback
JoAnn Tabeek
Allan Tarasiewicz
John P Tierney
Jennifer Tzemis
Azael I. Vasquez
Francine A. Virgilio
Joseph G. Visciano
Barbara Walsh
Kenneth W. White
Patrick Woods "Patty"
Myrna Yaskulka
Edwin J. Zambrana Jr.
Built in 2004, “Postcards” features two soaring 40-foot high, white wing-like walls that symbolize notes sent to loved ones. The memorial is dedicated to all the Staten Island, N.Y., residents who died on 9/11, each of them honored with a granite plaque with their facial silhouette, name, birth date, and place of work. Ground Zero can be seen between the “Postcards” wings.