The 274 victims of Staten Island killed on 9/11
Christopher Charles Amoroso "Chopper"
Laura Angilletta
Faustino Apostol Jr.
Frank Thomas Aquilino "F.T."
Louis Arena
Adam P. Arias
Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas
Louis F. Aversano Jr.
John James Badagliacca
Jane Ellen Baeszler
Katherine Bantis "Kathy"
Walter Baran
Gerard A. Barbara
Arthur T. Barry
Diane G. Barry
Carlton W. Bartels
Michael E. Beekman "Mickey"
Denise L. Benedetto
John P. Bergin
Paul M. Beyer
Brian Bilcher
Carl V. Bini
Susan M. Bochino
Shawn E. Bowman Jr.
Alfred J. Braca
Sandra Conaty Brace "Sandy"
Gregory J. Buck "Greg"
Milton Bustillo
Lillian Caceres
Salvatore B. Calabro
Philip V. Calcagno
Michael F. Cammarata
Vincent A. Cangelosi "Vinny"
Lisa B. Cannava
Brian Cannizzaro
Louis A. Caporicci
Peter Carroll
Thomas J. Celic
John Chipura
Steven P. Chucknick
Frances Ann Cilente
Michael Clarke
Anthony J. Coladonato
Susan C. Conlon
John E. Connolly Jr. "Jack"
Robert Cordice
Kenneth J. Cubas
Francisco Cruz Cubero
Thomas Patrick Cullen III
Robert Curatolo
Laurence Curia "TheClam"
Lt. Edward A. D'Atri
Michael D. D'Auria
Michael Jude D'Esposito
Scott M. Davidson
Edward James Day "Eddy"
Azucena de la Torre "Afita"
James V. DeBlase
Jason DeFazio "Jay"
Vito J. DeLeo
Michael DeRienzo
David P. DeRubbio
Edward DeSimone III "Eddie"
Debra Ann Di Martino
Joseph L. Di Pilato
John Difato
Donald J. DiFranco
Stephen P. Dimino
George DiPasquale
Neil M. Dollard
Joseph M. Doyle "Bulldog"
Capt. Martin J. Egan Jr. "Marty"
Carole Eggert
Francis Esposito
Lt. Michael Esposito
Barbara G. Etzold
Capt. Joseph D. Farrelly
David Francis Ferrugio "Dave"
Louis V. Fersini Jr.
Michael C. Fiore
Stephen J. Fiorelli
Lt. John R. Fischer
Thomas J. Fisher "Tom"
Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo "Sal"
David L. W. Fodor
Lt. Michael N. Fodor
Donald A. Foreman "D"
Claudia A.M. Foster
Lt. Peter L. Freund
Clement Fumando
Deanna L. Galante
Grace Galante
Cesar Garcia
Gary P. Geidel "MuleBone"
James A. Giberson "Jim"
Jeffrey Giordano
Martin Giovinazzo
Monica Goldstein
James M. Gray
Joseph F. Grillo
Joseph Grzelak
Lt. Joseph P. Gullickson
Barbara M. Habib
Philip Haentzler
Steven M. Hagis Jr.
Sean S. Hanley
Thomas Hannafin
Vassilios G. Haramis
Frances Haros
Lt. Harvey L. Harrell
Lt. Stephen G. Harrell
Michelle M. Henrique
Mary Herencia "Molly"
Jonathan R. Hohmann
Steven L. Howell
Stephen Huczko Jr. "Steve"
Joseph Anthony Ianelli
B.C. Charles L. Kasper
Paul Hanlon Keating
Richard J. Kelly Jr.
Thomas W. Kelly
Robert C. Kennedy "Bob"
Howard Kirschbaum "Barry"
Stephen A. Knapp
Kenneth Bruce Kumpel "Ken"
Patricia A. Kuras
David LaForge
Vincent A. Laieta "Vinny"
Robert T. Lane
Mary Lou Langley
Michele B. Lanza
Stephen James Lauria
Jeannine M. LaVerde
James P. Leahy
Neil Leavy
Lorraine Greene Lee "Lorzie"
Daniel F. Libretti
Vincent Litto
Lee Charles Ludwig
Marie Lukas
Linda Luzzicone
Robert H. Lynch
Joseph Maffeo
Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta
Lt. Paul Richard Martini
Anne Marie Martino-Cramer "Annie"
Joseph A. Mascali
Michael Massaroli "Mike,Maz"
Robert D. Mattson
Walter Matuza
Charles J. Mauro
Charles A. Mauro Jr. "Chuck"
John McAvoy
Lt. William E. McGinn
Scott Martin McGovern
Stephanie McKenna
Timothy Patrick McSweeney "BigGuy"
William E. Micciulli "Billy"
Philip D. Miller
Louis Joseph Minervino
Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell "BigDaddy"
Richard P Miuccio
Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi
Kristen Montanaro
Christopher Mozzillo
Peter James Mulligan
Mary K. Murphy-Boffa
Richard Todd Myhre
Mario Nardone Jr.
Troy Edward Nilsen
Brian Felix Nuñez
Capt. William O'Keefe
Philip Paul Ognibene "Woody,Eddie"
Joseph J. Ogren
Edward K. Oliver
Eric T. Olsen
Jeffrey James Olsen
Jeffrey M. Palazzo
Cira M. Patti
Carl Allen Peralta
Lt. Glenn C. Perry
Daniel Pesce "Danny"
Mark Petrocelli
Lt. Philip S. Petti
Nicholas P. Pietrunti
Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto
Joseph B Plumitallo "Joe"
Wanda Ivelisse Prince
Patricia Ann Puma
Lt. Michael Quilty "Mike"
Leonard Ragaglia
Eugene J. Raggio
Laura M. Ragonese-Snik
Peter F. Raimondi
Michele Reed
Joseph Reina Jr.
Karen Renda
Anthony Rodriguez
Keith Roma
Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg
Nicholas P. Rossomando
Thomas E. Sabella
Joseph Sacerdote
John A. Santore
John A. Schardt
Angela Susan Scheinberg
Adriane Victoria Scibetta
Adele Sessa
Thomas Joseph Sgroi
Robert J. Shay Jr.
Stephen Gerard Siller "Steve"
Paul Joseph Simon
Marianne Simone
Rosemary A. Smith
Frank J. Spinelli
Michael F. Stabile
Richard James Stadelberger "Dick"
Anthony M. Starita
Jeffrey Stark
Alexander Robbins Steinman
JoAnn Tabeek
Maurita Tam
Allan Tarasiewicz
Darryl Taylor
Anthony Tempesta
John P Tierney
Lisa L Trerotola
Jennifer Tzemis
Kenneth W. Van Auken
Francine A. Virgilio
Joseph G. Visciano
Barbara Walsh
Jeffrey P. Walz
Kenneth W. White
Mark P. Whitford
Patrick Woods "Patty"
Capt. David T. Wooley
Myrna Yaskulka
Edwin J. Zambrana Jr.
Staten Island was one of the hardest hit communities on 9/11, losing 274 loved ones in the terrorist attacks on New York City that day. As a result, Staten Island needed its own memorial, a place for the loved ones of the victims to mourn and reflect, and a place for all visitors to remember those who lost their lives on that tragic day. Borough President Molinaro made the creation of a Staten Island 9/11 Memorial one of his top priorities, and allocated over $2 million in capital funding for its establishment. Mayor Bloomberg also allocated $300,000 in capital funds for the Memorial. A committee selected Masayuki Sono’s memorial, \"Postcards\" from nearly 200 submissions. The solemn, yet uplifting design features two thin structures resembling postcards, perhaps sent to lost loved ones. From afar, they appear to be outstretched wings or a flower about to blossom. In order to honor the individual lives lost, part of Mr. Sono’s design provides that each Staten Island victim be honored with a 9”x11” granite plaque that will bear their name, birth date and place of work on September 11, 2001 as well as their profile in silhouette. Construction of Staten Island’s 9/11 Memorial began on September 11th, 2003. The official dedication took place on September 11, 2004
In order to honor the individual lives lost, part of Mr. Sono’s design provides that each Staten Island victim be honored with a 9”x11” granite plaque that will bear their name, birth date and place of work on September 11, 2001 as well as their profile in silhouette. The memorial, named "Postcards," consists of two 50-foot-high sculptures by artist Masayuki Sono that feature granite profiles (sort of "commemorative stamps") of each of the victims; the artist has designed the memorial so that on September 11 each profile will be lit in turn as the sun passes through the sky. From Staten Island the view from between the twin postcards frames Ground Zero.