Lt. Brian G. Ahearn
Capt. James Amato
Joseph John Angelini Jr. "Joe"
Joseph J. Angelini Sr.
Ezra Aviles
Sheila P. Barnes
Craig Michael Blass
Frank J. Bonomo
Kimberly S. Bowers
Peter Brennan
Donald J. Burns
Thomas M. Butler
James Christopher Cappers
Judson J. Cavalier
Nicholas P. Chiofalo Jr.
Susan M. Clyne
Steven Coakley "Steve"
Stephen J. Colaio
Robert D. Colin
Ronald Comer
Joseph A. Corbett "Joe"
Kevin M. Cosgrove
Lt. John A. Crisci
Dennis A. Cross
Michael Curtin
Vincent D'Amadeo
Tara M. Debek
Anna DeBin
Martin N. DeMeo "Marty"
Thomas F. Dennis "Tom"
Lt. Andrew Desperito
Judith Diaz-Sierra
Jerome M.P. Dominguez "Jerome"
Raymond M. Downey Sr.
Gerard Duffy
Michael J. Duffy
Patrick T. Dwyer "Paddy-D"
Dennis M. Edwards
Eric Adam Eisenberg
Mark J. Ellis
William Lawrence Fallon Jr.
Dolores B. Fanelli
Capt. Thomas Farino
FF Terrence Patrick Farrell
Thomas P. Farrelly
Andre G. Fletcher
Ana Fosteris
Thomas Gambino Jr.
Cynthia Giugliano
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam
Calvin J. Gooding
Lt. Geoffrey E. Guja
Philip T. Hayes
Lt. Michael K. Healey
Lt. Timothy Higgins
Kris Robert Hughes
Jake Denis Jagoda
Maxima Jean-Pierre
William R. Johnston
Christopher D. Jones
Andrew Jordan
John Katsimatides
Frederick H. Kelley
Thomas R. Kelly "Tommy"
Thomas J. Kennedy
Gary H. Lee
Robert Michael Levine
Carlos R. Lillo
Farrell P. Lynch
Louise A. Lynch
Lt. Patrick John Lyons
William J. Mahoney II
Joseph E. Maloney "Teddy"
Debra M. Mannetta "Debbie"
Edward Joseph Mardovich
Lt. Peter C. Martin
Jose Martinez
Rudolph Mastrocinque "Rudy"
Brendan McCabe
Michael Desmond McCarthy
William J. McGovern "Bill"
Thomas M. McHale ""The Laugher""
Terence McShane
Martin E. McWilliams
Rocco A. Medaglia
Raymond Meisenheimer
Charles M. Mills Jr.
Thomas Mingione
Frank V. Moccia Sr.
Capt. Thomas Moody
Richard Muldowney Jr.
Kevin James Murphy
Lt. John P. Napolitano
Manika Narula
Laurence Nedell
Peter A. Nelson
Frank John Niestadt
Dennis O'Berg
Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan
Patrick O'Keefe
Peter J. O'Neill Jr.
Michael C. Opperman
Michael J. Otten
Durrell V. Pearsall Jr.
Joseph John Perroncino
Edward J. Perrotta
Glen Kerrin Pettit
B.C. Richard Prunty
Lincoln Quappe
Edward Rall
Lorenzo Ramzey
Matthew Rogan
Joseph M. Romagnolo
Mark H. Rosen
Lt. Michael Thomas Russo
Francis John Sadocha "Frank"
Paul F. Sarle
Dennis Scauso
John G. Scharf
Gerard P. Schrang "Juice"
Stanley Smagala Jr.
Daniel Laurence Smith "Danny"
Kevin J. Smith
Bonnie S. Smithwick
B.C. Lawrence T. Stack
Daniel Suhr
James Joseph Suozzo
Robert Sutcliffe
Michael Taddonio
Brian T. Thompson
John J Tipping II
Michelle Titolo
Daniel Patrick Trant "Dan"
John T. Vigiano II "Vig"
Joseph V. Vigiano "JoeyVig"
John Wallice Jr. "Red"
Derrick Washington
Kenneth Watson
Walter E. Weaver
Oleh D. Wengerchuk
Lt. Glenn Wilkinson
A memorial comprised of accessible and inaccessible gardens. The accessible gardens enclosing the inaccessible garden by means of four glass "walls" to make distinct-the lives being led-from the lives ended. The Accessible Garden of Remembrance is the one we inhabit. It is manicured and cared for. There are paths to walk, places to rest and markers to guide us. The Inaccessible Garden of Remembrance is left to grow wild without intervention. This is the garden we look into yet never enter. It is wildflowers and indigenous growth. There may be a bird or a butterfly. Like life, it is random and out of the control of mortals. The boundary between the two gardens are glass panels set atop a grass berm, one for each local individual, plus one to represent the others that perished in the tragedy. On the glass is etched the memories of the Suffolk County victims of September 11th Name, Date of Birth, Occupation, and Town Residence will be set at eye level, and viewed from the Accessible Garden of Remembrance, with the random Inaccessible Garden of Remembrance beyond the glass. A portrait of the victim is etched above eye level and will be seen against the backdrop of the sky. This garden is inaccessible, except for professional and critical maintenance. The glass is specially etched so that each portrait can only be seen from a single location looking up at a particular angle at the upper part of the glass panel. Standing before each panel, looking up at the heavens, the face of each individual will be seen against the sky.