Tribute by Caitlin to her father when she was 13 years old

Poems by Jimmy's daughters and niece

Poem by Jimmy's niece, Beth Grinnell

Letter from Anne to her father

Anne's letter to President Bush

Eulogy in memory of Jimmy Nelson by his brother Robert M. Nelson

Letter to Jimmy on 5th anniversary of 9/11

Tribute by Caitlin to her father

Anne's letter to President Bush pg 3

Eulogy by Jimmy's brother Robert

Eulogy by Jimmy's brother Robert pg 2

Eulogy by Jimmy's brother Robert pg 3

Anne's letter to President Bush

Anne's letter to President Bush pg 2

Clark Girls Softball team dedication

Tribute to James

Tribute to Jimmy

Tribute to Jimmy

Tribute to Jimmy

Tribute to Jimmy

Angel Over Me- poem
Port Authority Police Officer Badge 1517

Portrait of Jimmy

Jimmy's daughter Anne's poem about her father

Tribute by Jimmy's daughter Caitlin to her father

Letter from Anne to her father

Poem from Beth to her uncle Jimmy

Letter to Jimmy from his sister Kitty

Tribute by Caitlin page 1

Tribute by Caitlin page 2

3 page article commemorating NYPD police officer Jimmy Nelson

Article commemorating Jimmy page 2

Article commemorating Jimmy page 3

Letter by Pamela McClure

Centerreach High School dedication

Tribute to James

Centerreach High School dedication

Police Officer James Nelson
Port Authority Police Officer James "Jimmy" Nelson

Jimmy at work with the NYPD

James and his daughter Anne

Port Authority Police 1517

James A. Nelson

NYPD James Nelson
Daughters Anne and Caitlin at WTC- 2000

Jimmy's grave
Jimmy with his daughters, Anne and Caitlin

Caitlin's 2nd Birthday

Jimmy with Anne and Caitlin Easter 1999

Anne and Caitlin at WTC- 2000

Anne and Caitlin at WTC- 2000

Jimmy with his sister, Kitty and brother, Bob

Jimmy and Anne's Birthday

Jimmy with daughters

Jimmy with Anne and Caitlin

Jimmy and Anne

Rosanne and Caitlin in Wildwood NJ

Jimmy and his family at Shorham, LI

Family portrait

Jimmy with Caitlin

Wedding photo

James and his father on his wedding day

Anne and Jimmy dancing

Anne and Jimmy

Jimmy and his oldest daughter Anne
Newspaper article about Jimmy Nelson

Article about Jim

WTC pass for Caitlin- 2000

Artwork depicting Twin Towers by Caitlin

Fencing helmet

Fencing helmet

Fencing helmet

Artwork by daughter Caitlin

James A. Nelson memorial bracelet

James A. Nelson memorial bracelet

James A. Nelson memorial bracelet
James. A Nelson's memorial program

James A. Nelson memorial program

James A. Nelson memorial program

Memorial program
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
James Nelson, 40, of Clark, New Jersey, a 16-year veteran of the Port Authority Police Department was killed in the line of duty while rescuing others at the World Trade Center disaster. Jimmy was called to the scene shortly after 9 a.m. on September 11 from the Port Authority Police Academy in Jersey City. He was married and the father of two beautiful girls.
Jimmy always wanted to be a police officer, considering it the most noble profession. His passion for his job was surpassed only by his love and pride for his family. The world suffered a great loss when Jimmy was taken from us. His courage, humor, generosity, and integrity made the world a better place. I will never see his beautiful smile again or laugh at one of his jokes but I do know that I am a better person for having known and loved him. He was my brother and a hero in every sense of the word.
Today marks 14 years since I last felt the warmth of your smile and the embrace of your bear hugs. Caitlin, Mommy, and I love you and miss you so much. We hope you are proud of us everyday. Love you so much my hero and my angel.
Anne xoxo
To my daddy a true hero the
To my daddy a true hero the best daddy ever
The definition of the word hero (which is of Greek origin) means a man or woman of distinguished and noble qualities. When you think of a person dressed in spandex wearing a cape? A hero can be anyone who is brave and does courageous deeds. You can certainly say that the police officers and firemen who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001 are heroes and lived up to that to that title by definition. Those heroic men and women are still admired today for their bravery and acts of selflessness.
On September 11th 2001 at 8:46 am tragedy struck the city of New York and the unthinkable was achieved. The two gleaming towers were attacked by pure evil. What started out as a typically beautiful morning into a place full of fear and hate. The question that arose in everyone s aware of the attacks was "Who could do such a thing and why?" Why would someone take the life of an innocent person for pleasure? The answer lurks in in the minds of those capable of the horrific deed. The one-hundred and ten story came tumbling down from glory. The World Trade Center s pride was taken from it on that day. An airliner was hijacked putting a gaping hole in the side of the structure.
The Port Authority Police Department was the first law enforcement to appear at the disaster which cruel terrorists had plotted. The brave Port Authority Police Officers swiftly ran into the burning Twin Towers. The Port Authority saved helpless employees of the towers. Some members of the Port Authority were seriously injured. Thirty-seven of those wonderful selfless men and women of the Port Authority were killed due to an act of hate. One of those heroes (I am more than proud to say) was my father, Port Authority Police Officer James A. Nelson.
I love you daddy rest in peace. Always in my thoughts forever in my heart. It's almost been eight years since you've been gone, I can't believe it. I miss you more than you can imagine. I am so proud to say "My daddy died being a hero."
Love you forever and always
Caitlin (age 13)
Posted by Caitlin Nelson
I received a card with Jimmy
I received a card with Jimmy's name on it so that I could pray for him on the anniversary of 9-11. I received the card last year and wrote something and prayed for him and his family. I remembered this year that I still had it hanging on my was. I pulled it down and I am writing and praying once again. I hope you all know that we are still supporting you with our prayers.
Posted by Lois McGivern
I participated in the 3rd
I participated in the 3rd annual Run to Remember while I was in New York this past week. Every entered runner was given a name along with their number, someone they were walking or running in honor of. Mine said James Nelson. At first I thought of it as just another name. But after reading all about his life and his family, I feel honored to have been able to represent for James. I hope he knows that his efforts have not gone unforgotten, and that there will always be someone that thinks of his name when they hear the word "hero". Including me.
Posted by Cassidy Thompson
Just walked in honor of…
Just walked in honor of Jimmy Nelson through Tunnels to Towers
True American hero
Posted by Kate
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