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Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Dear Jason...I don't know you but because of you I learned how deep the suffering goes and continues for all our brothers and sisters who lost their lives on 9/11. I heard your story from your dad and I know you were an exceptional young man who touched upon the lives of so many others in such special ways. We have all certainly suffered a loss because of it......

Posted by Karen Sheak

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

So sorry for the loss of our coworker at the time a young bright man on the ladder of success. Myself being 24 at the time working in Fiduciary also the world at this age was a time of opportunity and advancement. You are remembered every 9/11 and everyday.

Published by A coworker

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

On a trip from Denmark I happened to pass by Old Greenwich and on a small trip ook a rest on what turned out to be your bench at the beach. Realizing what it was I became very touched by what became your destiny.

Posted by Peter George

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Thinking of you Jason and your family. We went to school at Western for a few years together and indeed you are unforgettable. Though we did not maintain a close friendship I always admire your excellent core characteristics as an intelligent witty inquisitive and very decent and feeling human being. I learned of your 9/11 experience through the Collazo brothers years ago (I do not keep in touch with them regularly though). Your beautiful personhood and piercing eyes are unforgettable. Thanks for being you! SO glad I have known you. May we all meet again.

Posted by Lily

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Jason, Every year I find myself coming back here to your page. I never met you but somehow after 9/11 your image and story struck me and has stuck with me for the past 11 years. Through memorial eulogies for you to photos with your charming smile I have learned at least a small part of your story. I have tried to put into my mind how scared you probably were. I have tried to imagine if you were at your desk instead of in a meeting then maybe you would have gotten out with your coworkers and maybe just maybe you'd still be alive today. You would still be laughing and sharing quality time with your family and beautiful fiance. If all things happen for a reason I wonder sometimes the reason that you were taken from this world so young so full of joy friendship love. From what I have read the lives you have touched stretches probably further than even you could have imagined. I sincerely hope you are kicking tennis butt up there in Heaven and I hope that you have found those under $30 restaurants with a food rating over 20 haha. Quite the feat if I must say so myself. I think of you often and send hugs your way. Rest in peace Jason. You will NEVER be forgotten.

Posted by Lori

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

I remember Jason very fondly. We spent summers together when we were kids. He would sail with me and make me laugh the whole day. He wasn't a great sailor only because he just wanted to play tennis but in true Jason form he would make the best of it and we had a great time. We would then play tennis in the afternoon where he would dominate. He was such a great player and fun to watch and play against. After soundly beating me he would have a way of making me OK with it. As we grew older his tennis got stronger as did his lust for life. We went to different high schools but would see each other sporadically. He always had that big smile and hearty laugh. His tennis only got better and his academics were equally as strong. He always had a great group of friends and his family was either close by or in his thoughts especially his mother. He was either above small petty stuff or was too smart for it. After college as saw Jason in NYC a couple of times and he was the same kid: smart funny and you felt great to be around him. You could tell he was going to build a great life and be very successful and happy. I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I remember not being able to find friends that I knew that worked in the towers. I learned later that Jason was still missing. I think about him often. I think about his family and what he meant to those who knew him best. I think about what he would be like today so many years after. I miss my childhood buddy. God bless him and his family. - Marc M.

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

I'm sorry for what happened to you it should had never happened...i to want to have a job in business i don't know what but i'm really sorry what happened and people that died that morning shouldn't had you had a lot of goals in life u had a whole future ahead of you i don't know you but if i did we be pretty close friends you were really young when you passed i'm only 15 i was 5 when 9/11 happened i was in school one of my friends lost his mother she was a NYPD officer i didn't know what was going on till about three years later and now i know how serious this was and i hope you crossed over peacefully yours truly

-Thomas Cook

Posted by Thomas Cook

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Dear Jason,

I have thought of you so many times since that awful day when I discovered you were among those in the towers. I mourned your loss and for those who lost you. I remember our high school days and how you made us all laugh. I was lucky enough to get to be part of your boys club and witness the love you all had for each other. I hope you are smiling over all of us, finding ways to still get us to laugh. I m sorry I wasn't there at the memorial... I was too far away. Your memory will always be with me and your amazing spirit will live on in so many. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to know you. All My Love, Jen

Posted by Jennifer

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Hey Jason. Yet again another year and I pay my respects to your memorial page. I visited the 9/11 memorial with my mother a few weeks ago and we found your name along with someone who was from my town years ago. After finding your names, a rainbow appeared in the waterfalls. It was amazing. My mom said it was you guys saying thank you for remembering and visiting. I about lost it right there to be honest. I spent some time at your panel, which spans 2 panels actually. I will definitely visit again when I can get to the city. I can't believe 12 years has gone by. I hope you are at peace today, and I hope your family is too. Much love to you. May America NEVER forget. Today the patriot riders are riding to Washington DC in what has to be the biggest display of patriotism I've seen since 9/11. They ride for you and all who perished this day, 12 years ago. Rest easy, you are never forgotten. I think of you often.

Posted by Lori

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York City, NY
Location on 9/11:
Fiduciary Trust International | Assistant Vice President, Assoc. Portfolio Manager
The New York Times Portraits of Grief
Jason E. Sabbag Memorial Scholarship Fund

Jason Sabbag was an intelligent, handsome, warm, young man with his entire future ahead of him. “Everyone that knew Jason remembers his zest for life and his reassuring smile that lit up every room he entered.” Throughout his 26 years, Jason excelled in almost everything he did, from academics to athletics to his profession.

“He was the kind of person who knew exactly what he wanted to be when he was older, and started preparing for his future early in life…..He had an aura of success about him…..he did everything well” Jason was an integral part of a tight-knit family unit consisting of his father Ralph, his mother Brigitte, his two siblings, Cliff (brother) and Laurence (sister), his brother-in-law, Mark, and his girlfriend Sarah. Jason, his sister Laurence, and his brother, Clifton (or “Cliff”) all lived in Manhattan. Laurence lives with her husband, Mark (one of Jason’s best friends), Cliff lives in his own apartment, and Jason lived with his girlfriend Sarah Hare, whom he had been dating for approximately six years. All of the Sabbag children worked at their jobs during the week but weekends were sacred and were spent as a family, with Jason frequently serving as the catalyst.

“Jason would always choose to spend time with his family and loved ones. He spent almost every weekend going home to visit his parents, always insisting that everyone come long with him so that the family could be together.”

The family lived for those shared weekends. It was often the case that these were spent in Connecticut at Mr. and Mrs. Sabbag’s house barbequing, going to the town beach, jogging, playing tennis or just watching a fun sporting event on TV. Manhattan was also a wonderful meeting ground for the family where they would eat out, go to the park, go to the movies and just enjoy being together. There were also numerous memorable family vacations such as their ski trips and Florida trips. “Rather than going on separate vacations with friends, the Sabbag’s typically went as a family, even in adulthood, because they always wanted to be together.” Jason, a 26 year old Assistant Vice President and Associate Portfolio Manager at Fiduciary Trust at the time of his death, was highly focused from an early age on a career in finance. “Jason’s goal was to one day work in the financial district of New York City because he loved the capital markets….Jason’s goal was to become an equity trader or portfolio manager….He was incredibly interested in the equity markets for someone his age, so much so that he would spend hours in front of CNBC.”

After graduating from Georgetown University with honors in economics, Jason had begun his Wall Street career with a position in Citigroup’s fixed-income trading group. However, given that his primary career interest was in equity capital markets rather than debt capital markets, Jason’s position at Fiduciary Trust proved to be the ideal position for him. He loved his work at Fiduciary, where he was responsible for researching and recommending equities for Fiduciary’s European Small Cap Equity Fund to invest in. Jason was perfectly positioned at Fiduciary for an extremely successful career in equity portfolio management.

“His intelligence, education, work ethic, interpersonal skills and language skills, coupled with his love of the equity capital markets and researching potential equity investments, made him, in my opinion, destined for success.” Jason’s talent was recognized quickly by Fiduciary, where he was promoted to Assistant Vice President and Associate Portfolio Manager after only one year. According to Margaret Lindsay, Executive Vice President at Fiduciary Trust and head of the European Small Cap Fund, Jason “played a critical role in bringing new clients….He had the right mix of intelligence and wit to make clients feel comfortable and they liked and trusted him….It is my belief that Jason would have remained an integral member of our group and would have made his career at Fiduciary.”

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Jason was at work early, as usual. His office at Fiduciary Trust was located on the 94th Floor of World Trade Center, South Tower. He had a meeting scheduled with the CEO of a German corporation that Fiduciary was contemplating investing in, and he wanted to make sure that he was prepared. Once the client, accompanied by a broker from Deutsche Bank, arrived to Jason’s office, they all went into a conference room that faced south/east. When the North Tower was hit by the first hijacked plane, it appeared that announcements were made to occupants of the South Tower following the impact that instructed occupants of the South Tower to remain at their desks and await further instructions. Jason followed the instructions and continued with his meeting. He had no idea what was occurring in the North Tower, or that the South Tower was soon to be struck by the second hijacked plane, right in the general area of where he was holding his meeting.

Many of Jason’s colleagues who were at their north-facing offices with a view of the devastated North Tower, disregarded the instructions, immediately vacated the South Tower prior to it being struck by the second plane, and survived. Had he been at his desk instead of in a client meeting, Jason likely would have evacuated safely like his colleagues. Instead, he and his clients, who presumably could not see what was happening to the North Tower, followed the security instructions to remain in the South Tower, and as a result, were killed. “Life was good with Jason, now life is like eating food without any salt….the joy is gone and all that is left is an empty chair.”