Timothy Welty's firefighter badge
Timothy Welty playing hockey for the FDNY

Portrait of Timothy Welty
Portrait of Timothy Welty

Timothy Welty on the job as a firefighter
Portrait of Timothy Welty as a boy

Timothy Welty as a kid
Front cover of the memorial book made for Timothy Welty

List of speakers at a memorial service given at Ground Zero in Timothy Welty's memorial book

Pictures of Timothy Welty and his wife and a poem by her in his memorial book

Stories about Timothy written by his parents in his memorial book

Stories about Timothy written by his parents in his memorial book

Pictures of Timothy Welthy throughout his life

Pictures of Timothy Welthy throughout his life

Stories about Timothy written by his family in his memorial book

Stories about Timothy written by his family in his memorial book

Tributes to Timothy Welty in his memorial book

Tributes to Timothy Welty in his memorial book

Back cover of Timothy's memorial book featuring a poem
The Rising Westchester County 9/11 Memorial
Firefighter Timothy M. Welty Street
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
I would like to say that I
I would like to say that I cannot begin to extend my sorrow towards the loss of your family member and close friend. I know that it is tough and can be extremely difficult at times and I really do wish you the best of times. Losing a family member is never and easy and it is important for you to know that the loss will never be forgotten and this violent historic date will be remembered. I wish you the best of luck and a safe 9/11 memorial day.
Posted by Adam Wellman
attends school with your daughter Julia. We are friends with Delia and Tom having met Delia when Julia started kindergarten. Adam was asking me questions about you and wanted to know what you looked like and what you were like. I always thought Julia did not look much like Delia and now that I see pictures of you as a child- Wow! She looks exactly like her dad. I noticed that there were no guestbook entries on your page so I wanted to be the first. I did not know you Tim. I just wanted your family to know that what you stood for and what you did are still important to people. That it is still and will always be remembered. My son understands this as well and will tell this story to his children. I know you would be pleased with your family today- they are wonderful and we are fortunate to know them. I wish we had had the opportunity to know you too. Rest in Peace.
Published by Alisa Cagle
Lilli was fortunate to spend
Lilli was fortunate to spend two weeks with Julia. She came home from camp with a remarkable love and respect for your daughter. The girls giggled through days and quietly chatted at night. Lilli found a Best Camp Friend Forever!
Your friendly daughter proudly shared your picture with Lilli during a silent "siesta". No words were needed... Lilli knew this was a moment of their hearts. Quietly history was shared.
It had been difficult to explain "911" to my kids. How could I explain the impact of this moment? Thank you Julia for not saying a lot, but saying as much as a 10 year old can understand. Lilli came home curious, empathetic and motivated to learn more.
This week, Lilli has been thinking about Julia and Jake. Please know she misses them! We will all be thinking of Lilli s friend and her family as we pay respect to our 911 heroes.
Heather Satlof
Posted by Heather Satlof
God bless you! I wish i knew
God bless you! I wish i knew you however i know your beautiful daughter, son and wife and feel blessed! you are missed dearly. as you look down, you should be very proud of your two beautiful children and extremely strong wife!
Posted by Diane Colangelo
We went to the Firehouse this
We went to the Firehouse this morning and Nick showed me a picture of your tree in his backyard. It's ten feet tall and ours is barely six feet. Chris, Will and Sarah came and of course Jake and Julia and their family. The smudge is still on the wall from the time you and Jonathan Ielpi removed the decorations and set the Christmas tree on fire and then replaced the decorations. I remember when you came home and told me. I've told that story so many times and have turned rooms of weeping family members into rooms of laughing people remembering practical jokes their own guys pulled. You are special. I love you and I miss you.
Posted by Adele Welty
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