A 22-Year Journey: From 9/11 to Today
Mary Fetchet, Founding Director of Voices Center for Resilience presented A 22-year Journey from 9/11 to Today: Helping Families and Communities Prepare for Emergencies. Ms. Fetchet, a New Canaan resident for 35 years and mother of Brad Fetchet, who died in the September 11 attacks, shared her personal experience and perspective on preparing communities in advance of a tragedy. The three-town presentations included remarks from representatives of local and state emergency management, highlighting their efforts to prepare communities. Tipsheets and preparedness materials were distributed to those in attendance.
Ms. Fetchet spoke about the how the loss of her son and the needs of the other families led to her advocacy efforts, and the creation of Voices Center for Resilience, formerly known as Voices of September 11th. In the years since 9/11, Fetchet and her dedicated staff have provided long-term support services for thousands of victims’ families, responders, and survivors. “An important lesson we learned on 9/11 – it is incumbent on individuals, families and communities to have a plan in place in the event of an emergency” remarked Fetchet. To that end, VOICES continues to collaborate with public-private partnerships to assist communities in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from other tragedies, in the United States and abroad.
Voices Center for Resilience worked in partnership with STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way to promote September as Preparedness Month through presentations at the New Canaan, Darien and Westport libraries. The project was funded in part by a grant from AmeriCorps 9/11 Day of Service and The Arc. Katie Banzhaf, Executive Director of STAR stated, “STAR is pleased to collaborate with Voices Center to enhance community preparedness while remembering and respecting the lives and lessons of September 11th. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with the impassioned, dedicated and knowledgeable experts at VOICES to share valuable insights that can save lives.”
An advocate for the establishment of the 9/11 Commission, Fetchet campaigned to mark September as National Preparedness Month in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Established by the US Government, the campaign encourages all citizens and communities to make their own preparedness plans.
- Preparations for Major Storms
- Westport Emergency Information
- Westport Emergency Registry Application
- Sign Up for Westport Emergency Alerts
- Voluntary Registry for People with Disabilities - Town of Westport
- Town of Westport Department of Human Services
- Westport Mental Health Resources
- Parents Helping Parents Support Groups
- Trauma Tipsheet - Guidance for Individuals & Families
- Tipsheet - Talking to Children After Tragedy
- Community Emergency Response Team
- FEMA - Be Prepared for a Financial Emergency
- FEMA - Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables
- Download the FEMA app. Get weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five different locations anywhere in the United States.
- Sign up for FEMA text messages to get updates from FEMA (standard message and data rates apply).