VOICES 2022 NYC Symposium

VOICES 21st Annual
Remembrance Symposium
Remembrance Symposium
September 9 and 10, 2022
New York Marriott Downtown
85 West Street, New York City
On September 9 and 10 VOICES hosted its 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium. As we reflect on the event, we want to recognize those who contributed to making it a success. It was a special privilege to partner this year with LinCT-AA and INVICTIM, two groups of dedicated professionals who eagerly traveled from far and wide to join us.
We are especially grateful to our generous sponsors and presenters who made the event possible and to the individuals from 28 states and 16 countries who joined us in person and online.
This year we were honored to recognize four individuals who have made significant contributions, including Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security; John Miller, former NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence; Alice Greenwald, President & CEO of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum; and Dr. Barbara Sampson, former NYC Chief Medical Examiner.
A highlight of the program included, 9/11 Commission Chairman, Governor Tom Kean and other key stakeholders who were joined by Executive Producer, Bob Massie for a discussion reflecting on its formation and highlights of the soon-to-be released documentary, Are We Safer Today?
It was also a special honor to introduce Elizabeth Hillman, the incoming President and CEO of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Dr. Jason Graham, NYC Chief Medical Examiner and Dr. August Flentje, acting VCF Special Master.
We extend our appreciation to our friends from the soon-to-open Performing Arts Center (PAC). Bill Rauch, Artistic Director and Jenna Chrisphonte, Director of Civic Alliances, offered an overview of the PAC. A special performance was a wonderful way to end VOICES 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium.
The Symposium was recorded and the presentations are now available along with photographs from the event. Thank you to our sponsors, staff, and speakers who made VOICES 21st Annual Symposium a great success.
September 9 Symposium
9:00am to 4:30pm (Live Stream Only)
Building Trust During Turbulent Times highlights the important collaboration between LinCT-AA, INVICTM and VOICES. Building upon LinCT-AA’s 2022 Better Together Conference, presenters will share their expertise based on firsthand experience, identify challenges, and propose solutions through public-private partnerships, in the US and abroad. The agenda includes presentations on global threats, legacy projects, victim-centered response, leadership strategies, and more.
Our Presenters
8:00am - 9:00am
9:00am - 9:15am | View Presentation
Welcome & Presentation of Colors
Welcome remarks by Mary Fetchet and representatives of our partner organizations, Sue O'Sullivan and James Ramer. Presentation of Colors by the New York Police Department Honor Guard.
Mary Fetchet – Voices Center for Resilience, Executive Director, INVICTM, Founding Member
Sue O’Sullivan – INVICTM, Chair and LINCT-AA Executive Advisory Board
James Ramer – LinCT-AA, President
9:15am - 9:45am | View Presentation
Keynote Address: Building Trust in Turbulent Times
John Miller (Keynote) – Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism, NYPD (Ret.)
We are pleased that John Miller, Former Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence for the New York Police Department, will provide keynote remarks on Building Trust During Turbulent Times. John’s decades of experience with investigations into potential terrorist activity, the collection of detailed intelligence, and the development of complex and effective strategies prior to potential terrorist attacks, lays the groundwork for the day’s program.
Special Remarks
Vincent Talucci – Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, International Association of Chiefs of Police
9:45am - 11:00am | View Presentation
Understanding the Current Threat Environment
This panel brings together key experts who will provide an overview of the current threat environment. Panelists will highlight the importance of establishing public-private partnerships to ensure collaboration and an effective response.
Rich Esposito (Moderator) – New York Police Department ex NBC
Rebecca Weiner – Assistant Commissioner for Intelligence Bureau, NYPD
Dr. Sajjan Gohel – International Security Director, Asia-Pacific Foundation
Rich Stanek – Co-Founder, Public Safety Strategies Group, LLC.
11:00am - 11:30am
11:30am - 12:30pm | View Presentation
Operation Kenova: A Framework for Legacy Investigations
Panelists will discuss Operation Kenova, an investigation into alleged states' agents in Northern Ireland. From the onset, the leadership established a framework that integrated a victim centered approach in all aspects of the investigation, setting best practices for legacy investigations.
John Parkinson (Moderator) – Former UK Chief of Police
Jon Boutcher – Operation Kenova, Lead
Maria McDonald – INVICTM, Founding Member
12:30pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm - 2:45pm | View Presentation
Incorporating a Victim-Centered Approach: Lessons Learned
Victims’ advocates will share their personal and professional experience in responding to the needs of those impacted by tragedy, in the US and abroad. Panelists will highlight lessons learned in supporting victims’ families, survivors, responders and the community-at-large.
Sue O’Sullivan (Moderator) – INVICTM, Chair
An Verelst – Psychosocial Manager, Belgian Public Health
Pauline Okroglic – Legal Officer, Victim Support and European Affairs, France Victimes
Mary Fetchet – Voices Center for Resilience, Executive Director, INVICTM Founding Member
2:45pm - 4:00pm | View Presentation
Leadership in the Aftermath of Mass Tragedy
Leadership is critical in the aftermath of a tragedy. In this session panelists will share lessons learned in the aftermath of the shootings in Newtown, Las Vegas and other tragedies. The discussion will provide today’s leaders with important considerations to help prepare them to face new challenges.
Heather Cartwright (Moderator) – Director, Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism, U.S. DOJ (Ret.)
Colonel Dan Stebbins – Colonel Connecticut State Police (Ret.)
Dean Haydon – Senior National Coordinator, UK Counter Terrorism Policing Network (Ret.)
Kevin McMahill – Incoming Clark County Sheriff, LVMPD Undersheriff
Closing Reflections
4:00pm – 5:00pm
5:00pm - 5:15pm | View Presentation
Honored Guest
We will be joined by our special guest, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. He will be giving remarks prior to the launch of our evening panel.
Alejandro Mayorkas – Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
5:15pm – 6:30pm | View Presentation
9/11 Commission Documentary Discussion
Highlights of the Documentary, Are We Safer Today?
Thomas H Kean – Former Governor of New Jersey, Chairman of 9/11 Commission
Philip Zelikow – White Burkett Miller Professor of History, University of Virginia
Barbara A. Grewe – Senior Principal for International Strategy and Policy, MITRE
Robert Massie – Senior Principal for International Strategy and Policy, MITRE
Mary Fetchet – Founding Director, Voices Center for Resilience
Leadership in Counterterrorism Alumni Association (LinCT-AA)
Since its inception in 2008, the LinCT-AA has brought together senior police and intelligence leaders from the “Five Eyes” – Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States - to promote personal and professional development, networking, exchange of good practices, and global thinking. LinCT-AA leaders continue to ensure that victims have been included in and considered as essential partners in the discussions and the work of the association.
The International Network Supporting Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence (INVICTM)
Created in 2016, INVICTM brings together trusted experts dedicated to improving support for victims of terrorism and mass violence. The strength of INVICTM lies in the ability to share lessons learned, leverage the knowledge and expertise of its members and their networks, to influence change and turn research into action within our own countries and globally. The group of over 30 international members includes NGOs, law enforcement agencies, civil society members and other experts that provide information based upon their background, country and professional perspective.
September 9 Evening Program
5:00pm to 6:30pm
The September 9 program is accessible to all via live stream broadcast. Registration is required to receive the link.
In person attendance is by invitation only. Contact our office with questions.
Honored Guest
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
We are honored that Secretary Mayorkas is joining us to provide opening remarks for our evening program.
9/11 Commission Documentary Discussion
9/11 Commission Discussion and Highlights of the Documentary, Are We Safer Today?
The September 9 Symposium was followed by an evening panel discussion about the 9/11 Commission and highlights of Are We Safer Today? The documentary chronicles the memories and observations of the 9/11 Commissioners on the largest investigation in US history that led to sweeping intelligence reforms. The conversation included Governor Thomas Kean, Chair of the 9/11 Commission, and other key stakeholders as they reflect on our Nation’s progress towards implementing their recommendations as they commemorate twenty years since their formation.
Our Presenters

Additionally, the project will produce a civics curriculum and learning app in association with the Center for Representative Government at Indiana University (funded by the Library of Congress). An exclusive nine-episode podcast detailing insights from the staff who crafted the 9/11 Commission Report will also become available.
September 10 Symposium
9:00am to 4:30pm (In Person & Live Stream)
Support Beyond the 20th Anniversary addresses the many outstanding issues that continue to impact the 9/11 community more than 20 years later. Dedicated professionals who have committed their careers to serving the 9/11 community will share their expertise and provide important updates. Sessions highlight mental health considerations, commemoration, compensation, pending litigation and an introduction to new agency leadership. The program features lessons learned for professionals and agencies providing victims’ services and responding to other acts of mass violence.
Our Presenters

Carl Gajewski
Criminalist, NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner
8:00am - 9:00am
9:00am - 9:15am | View Presentation
Candlelighting Ceremony and Welcome Remarks
The September 10 Symposium began with VOICES traditional Candlelighting Ceremony. 9/11 Community members, Mark O’Grady and Dominique Joseph simultaneously lit candles as passages were read by family members, survivors, and responders. VOICES Board Chair, Bonnie McNamara and Frank Fetchet welcomed attendees and provided poignant opening remarks.
Frank Fetchet - Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Partnerships, VOICES
Bonnie McEneaney McNamara - Board Chair, VOICES
9:15am - 10:15am | View Presentation
VOICES: Stories of Resilience
Victims’ family members, responders, and survivors share their stories – demonstrate the challenges they have faced and the strength and resilience that led to personal growth.
Deborah Garcia - 9/11 Family Member
Philippe Vansteenkiste - Director, V-Europe Association
Evelyn Tesoriero - FDNY Family Assistance
Anne-Marie Principe - 9/11 Survivor
10:15am - 11:15am | View Presentation
Mental Health Considerations During Unpredictable Times
The panel of experienced clinicians discusses mental health considerations – including loss and grief, the experience of trauma, PTSD, and suicide ideation- addressing stigma related to mental health conditions and establishing effective coping skills.
Virginia Dwyer-Aoyama (Moderator) – Voices Center for Resilience
Jane Webber – Doctoral Program Committee Chair, Kean University
Richard Beck – President, International Association for Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes
Leo Leiderman – Seasoned Clinical Psychologist
10:15am - 11:15am | View Presentation
World Trade Center Health Program Update
Representatives from the CDC/World Trade Center Health Program provide information about the WTC Health Program’s mission, eligibility criteria, enrollment process, the new Health Effects of 9/11 online exhibition, and updates on the Nationwide Provider Network (NPN) and Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) transitions. VOICES staff will share insights into the challenges responders and survivors are experiencing.
Stephanie Landau (Moderator) – Voices Center for Resilience
Elio Megaro – WTC Health Program
Anthony Gardner – Public Affairs Specialist, WTC Health Program
Dr. Jacqueline Moline – Clinical Director, Northwell WTC
11:15am - 11:30am
11:30am - 12:45pm | View Presentation
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund and Compensation Programs
The panel began with an introduction to the newly appointed interim Special Master, August Flentje. Stefanie Langsam provided an update on the VCF case status, followed by a panel discussion by the dedicated attorneys addressing client needs.
Matt McCauley (Moderator) – Partner, Turken, Heath & McCauley
August Flentje – Special Master, September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Michael Barasch – Partner, Barasch, McGarry, Salzman & Penson
Joseph Cavalcante – NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
John Dearie – Managing Attorney, The Dearie Law Firm
John Feal – Founder, The FealGood Foundation
Noah Kushlefsky – Managing Partner, Kreindler & Kreindler
Stefanie Langsam – VCF Deputy Special Master
11:30am - 12:45pm
Private Meeting for 9/11 Families with the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Dr. Jason Graham, the newly appointed Chief Medical Examiner of NYC and his staff will meet privately with 9/11 family members to update them on the OCME’s continued efforts to identify 9/11 victims.
Jason Graham – Chief Medical Examiner of New York City
Mark Desire – Assistant Director, NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner
Carl Gajewski – Criminalist, NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner
Jennifer Odien – Lead WTC Anthropologist
12:45pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 3:15pm | View Presentation
Progress Report on September 11 Litigation
The legal counsel representing 9/11 families provide an update on the progress of the September 11 litigation, including the Saudi and Iran lawsuits, and the catch up payment on the US Victim of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund. 9/11 family member, Terry Strada, discussed her advocacy efforts.
Robert Haefele – Senior Counsel, Motley Rice
Jim Kreindler – Partner, Kreindler & Kreindler
John M. Eubanks – Member Attorney, Motley Rice
Terry Strada – National Chair, 9/11 Families United
2:00pm - 3:15pm
Roundtable Discussion for Service Providers
This session will provide an opportunity for victims’ advocates, mental health professionals, and others providing support to the 9/11 Community and other communities impacted by mass violence, to gather and share experiences and resources.
Virginia Dwyer-Aoyama (Moderator) – Voices Center for Resilience
Jane Webber – Doctoral Program Committee Chair, Kean University
Richard Beck – President, International Association for Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes
Leo Leiderman – Seasoned Clinical Psychologist
3:15pm - 4:15pm | View Presentation
Looking Beyond the 20th Anniversary
The Anniversary is a time for reflecting on the past and looking ahead to the future with hope. The conversation highlights the work of Alice Greenwald and Dr. Barbara Sampson, who dedicated their careers in their respective fields to serving the 9/11 community. Looking ahead we introduce Dr. Graham, the newly appointed Chief Medical Examiner.
Elizabeth L. Hillman – Incoming President and CEO, 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Alice Greenwald – President & CEO, 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Barbara Sampson – Former Chief Medical Examiner of New York City
Jason Graham – Chief Medical Examiner of New York City
Mary Fetchet – Founding Director, Voices Center for Resilience
4:15pm - 4:30pm | View Presentation
A New Performing Arts Center
Bill Rauch and Jenna Chrisphonte present the new venue and artistic plans of the new performing arts center located near the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. The Symposium concluded with special performances from artists from Grammy Award winner Ty Defoe, followed by an operatic duet sung by Yi Li and Karen Vuong, accompanied by Stephen Buck.
Jenna Chrisphonte – Director of Civic Alliances, PAC
Bill Rauch – Artistic Director, PAC
Thank You to Our Sponsors
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Presenting Sponsors

Remembrance Sponsors

Leadership Sponsors

Legacy Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors