21st Anniversary Reflection: We Will Always Remember!
Dear Friends,
As we commemorate the 21st Anniversary, we will Always Remember the 2,977 precious lives lost on September 11, 2001.
We will Always Remember those who have been affected since – the over 5,300 responders and survivors who have died of 9/11-related illnesses, and the families and friends they left behind – and the over 71,000 individuals who are currently in treatment for serious medical and mental health conditions.
On this Anniversary we will Always Remember the caring individuals who have stepped forward to help us heal over the past 21 years. We are grateful for their friendship and support that has transformed our lives!
It is our annual tradition to host a poignant candle lighting ceremony created by the 9/11 Community. Please take a moment to view this year’s ceremony here.
On this 21st Anniversary may the flame of hope shine bright and bring you peace and comfort. You are in our thoughts today and always.
We will Always Remember!
With heartfelt appreciation for your support,
Mary Fetchet & the VOICES Team