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The Wolfgruber Digital Resource Library offers more than just access to a collection of information and research relating to VOICES work that began after the attacks on September 11, 2011. VOICES is part of an international network of stakeholders that share information and offer advice, information and guidance. The Library is a virtual destination to research evidence-based practices to advance discourse in the field of mental health, resiliency studies, and victim support services to help individuals and communities prepare for and respond to tragedy.

From our legacy of lessons learned following 9/11, researchers not only learn from the past to gain unique perspectives about resiliency, but use our digital library to better prepare for the future by accessing and sharing research, studies, national / international publications, and related media.

The World Trade Center Survivor Grief Study is a community collaborative project that involves scientists from the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS) at Uniformed Services University and three NYC-based study partners, including the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Registry, Columbia University’s Center for Prolonged Grief, and Voices Center for Resilience (VOICES).

VOICES is honored to have been awarded a grant by the Canadian government, on behalf of Public Safety Canada, to develop recommendations for a framework for a potential Canadian response program. Recommendations draw upon VOICES expertise in providing support services needed by those impacted by the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, as well as extensive research conducted following other acts of terrorism and mass violence.

An online resource kit based on interviews conducted with service providers who responded to 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the shootings at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and in Tucson, Arizona.

VOICES recently completed a research project entitled, "Investigating the Long-Term Impact of Bereavement due to Terrorism: Factors that Contribute to Trauma, Grief, Growth and Resilience." The project was conducted in partnership with the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress at the Uniformed Services University and the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime.