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  • You are Invited
    As the September 11th Anniversary is quickly approaching, we want to update you on several important items. At the top of the list, be sure to mark your calendars for the VOICES 13th Annual Day of Remembrance Information Forum to be held on September 10th from 8am to 5pm. The event will be held at the Marriott Hotel, located at 85 West Street, just adjacent to the 9/11 Memorial Museum in NYC.
  • Celebrating the Special Men in Our Lives
    Father's Day is a time to thank the special men in our lives - our Fathers, Step-fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers and those individuals whose guidance and sacrifice has shaped us in so many ways. It's also a time to remember those who aren't with us today, but whose memory lives on through the stories we share.
  • Thoughts on the Opening of the 9/11 Museum
    As the 9/11 Museum officially opens to the public today, I want to take a moment to acknowledge those who made this day possible. This has been a long journey and a collaborative effort that began just months after the attacks when families and others impacted gathered to discuss creating a fitting memorial.
  • The Art of Presence - OP ED
    David Brooks op-ed, "the Art of Presence" spoke to me. After the death of my son on 9/11 and the loss of a niece and nephew in other tragedies, I can associate with Catherine Woodiwiss' personal story. She eloquently articulates what so many families experience when they suffer a traumatic loss, whether they lost a loved one on 9/11, in a school natural disaster or a tragedy.