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  • What's Newsworthy from VOICES - 05/06/2016
    On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, VOICES hosted our New Jersey Symposium, "Promoting Resiliency in Communities Impacted by Trauma." The event featured presentations by accomplished subject matter experts and clinicians working in the fields of trauma, grief and disaster mental health.
  • What's Newsworthy from VOICES - 01/08/2016
    We hope this finds you well. As we begin 2016, we would like to highlight VOICES ongoing initiatives that continue into the New Year, and notify you of some upcoming deadlines and events. If you have a family member or friend who may benefit from the information, we encourage you to pass it along.
  • Caring for Our Brave Responders
    I wanted to pass along the wonderful news that Congress has reauthorized the James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act! Today, the U.S. House and Senate passed a spending package that includes funds to extend the World Trade Center Health Program.
  • We are all with France
    Like the rest of the world, I watched in horror as the terrorist attacks unfolded in Paris on Friday evening. It brought back a flood of memories of 9/11, and the feelings of uncertainty, helplessness, and overwhelming sadness. My prayers were with the hostages, and the families of the victims and injured.
  • What's Newsworthy from VOICES - 10/29/2015
    We hope this note finds you well and enjoying the beautiful autumn season. It has been a busy two months here at VOICES, and we want to take this opportunity to update you. On Tuesday, September 8th, VOICES hosted our Inaugural Golf Outing at the Country Club of Fairfield.