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Interest in 9/11-style probe of US Capitol attack has cooled, but still possible

The call for a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has lost some political momentum, but congressional supporters of the idea said they’ll keep fighting for it. Public discussion of the commission has waned in recent weeks amid concerns that the political hurdles are too high to overcome. More.

Vandals damage 9/11 memorial at Chico Fire Department

Chico Police Department is searching for who vandalized the 9/11 Memorial at Chico Fire Department Station 5. It happened sometime Saturday night. Items that were damaged included a drawing of a NYFD firefighter who was killed when the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. More.

Chico's 9-11 Memorial Was Damaged by Fire, Again

A special part of a memorial for those who died during 9-11 was destroyed by fire, said Chico police officers and firefighters on Sunday morning. The memorial at Chico’s Fire Station 5 at the entrance to Upper Bidwell Park is “one of the most beautiful ones outside of New York,” said former Chico resident Marie Mitchell. More.

MTA to finally guarantee sick pay for transit workers with 9/11-related illnesses

It took the MTA nearly 20 years to guarantee sick pay to transit workers who fell ill from working at Ground Zero following 9/11. The agency’s board on Wednesday will vote on a policy change that guarantees sick time to any employee who has health issues related to the World Trade Center “rescue, recovery or clean-up operations.” More.

Applications To Fund Medical Bills Of 9/11 Survivors Another Casualty Of COVID-19

A federal program that’s in place to cover the medical bills of first responders and survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks has seen steady claims since 2016. Then, the pandemic happened. The September 11th Victims Compensation Fund saw claims drop off sharply in 2020, according to an annual report by the U.S. Department of Justice. More.

20th anniversary 9/11 tributes will again include families

A year after a disagreement over coronavirus protocols spawned competing Sept. 11 ceremonies in New York, the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks will be marked with the traditional reading of victims’ names at the World Trade Center’s memorial plaza, officials announced Thursday. More.

Lorain Public Library System marks 20th anniversary of 9/11

It’s hard to believe this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Those of us old enough to remember will always recall where we were when we first started hearing the news of what was happening that day. Many young adults have no memory of the 9/11 tragedy; school-aged children were not even born yet. More.

Sept. 11 tribute to once again include live reading of names

A year after a disagreement over coronavirus protocols spawnedcompeting Sept. 11 ceremonies in New York, the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks will be marked with the traditional reading of victims’ names at the World Trade Center’s memorial plaza, officials announced Thursday. Commemorations will also again include the Tribute in Light, the art installation consisting of two beams of light evoking the twin towers destroyed in the attack.