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  • Outdoor Living & Wellness Festival “An Inside Look at Outdoor Entertainment”
    The Outdoor Living & Wellness Festival is being produced by River Street Entertainment and will provide a fun filled day for the entire family! Over 150 Vendors promoting outdoor living, adventure & activities, outdoor entertainment, tourism, health & wellness, nature, natural/organic/Eco-friendly products & much more! Food, live music/DJ from the Pavilion, activities for children and more! Learn More.
  • Resilience and Rovery from Traumatic Loss
    Connecticut has suffered many horrors, from the Sandy Hook school massacre to the Petit home invasion. This month, we recall the Sept.11 attack that took so many lives. But such horrors are hardest on those who have lost loved ones. This Key Issues Forum looks at how people find the resiliency to recover from traumatic loss. The forum will be 6-7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, at Hartford Hospital's Heublein Hall, 560 Hudson St., Hartford. It is free and open to the public, by reservation.
  • Always Remember
    As we come together tomorrow to remember those we lost, we also remember those who survived - the families of the victims who have become like an extended family to us, the responders who worked tirelessly in the recovery effort, and those who survived. 9/11 impacted us all, and our lives are intertwined by a tragic event that reshaped our families and our country.
  • Connecting at the VOICES Forum Helped To Heal The Hole In Our Hearts
    Just a small note of appreciation to Mary and all at VOICES who present and host the annual conference in Manhattan on September 10th at the Marriott. My wife, Kathleen, and I have attended the conference since it's inception and we anxiously look forward to attending again this year.
  • Announcing 9/10 Forum Schedule of Expert Panelists
    I hope this note finds you well and enjoying the last days of summer! Our staff has been busy finalizing plans for our 13th Annual Day of Remembrance Information Forum. The theme of this year's conference is "Promoting Resilience, Healing Families and Communities," and we are excited to share the schedule with you today. As you'll see, we've planned a program that provides information for everyone- 9/11 families, responders, survivors and service providers.