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  • 9/11 Memorial and Museum Reservation Plans
    The 9/11 Memorial has announced that family members will be offered the first opportunity to secure advance reservations to visit the 9/11 Memorial after it opens officially on September 12, 2011. They also reminded family members that they can visit to see their loved one's name and its permanent location on the Memorial in advance of the visit.
  • Secretary Napolitano Releases Report On Fulfilling 9/11 Commission Recommendations
    Seven years after the release of the 9/11 Commission report, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today released a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report highlighting the significant progress that DHS, along with its many partners, have made in fulfilling specific recommendations by the 9/11 Commission to build a country that is stronger, safer and more resilient.
  • Moment of Remembrance on 9/11
    With unanimous support, the U.S. Senate today approved a measure introduced by U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) calling on Americans to come together as a nation for a Moment of Remembrance at 1 p.m. EDT on September 11, 2011. The Moment of Remembrance will memorialize the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks across the country with a minute of reflection, marked by the ringing of bells, sounding of sirens and other actions to remember the victims.
  • Students Perform In Cabaret For 10th Anniversary
    The musical theater students at the Somerset Count Vocational and Technical High School (SVTHS) chose to make Voices of September 11th the recipient of the proceeds for this year's show. The evening's message was, "Tonight we remember the past, hope for the future and appreciate the present." The end of the academic year marks the Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School's (SCVTHS) annual Cabaret-style fundraiser. The benefit, this year named, "There Will Be Light", was held at the Bridgewater Marriott Tuesday night. Learn More.
  • Resilience for 9/11 Families and Survivors
    The theme was "Resilience" for the fourth program in the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 series at the New Brunswick office of Voices of September 11th. The program featured Nicci Spinazzola, a licensed marriage and family therapist, professional counselor, and board-certified expert in trauma stress. Two additional speakers are scheduled for the upcoming months. Learn More.