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Sharing The Stories Of 9/11
Every face has a story. When I walked into the In Memoriam exhibition at the 9/11 Memorial for the first time, I was surrounded by faces of people whom I had never met - and yet I knew very well. For the past 7 years, their loved ones have told me their stories, showed me their pictures, and introduced me to their families. The tributes that I have helped them to create in the Living Memorial.
Thoughts on the Opening of the 9/11 Museum
As the 9/11 Museum officially opens to the public today, I want to take a moment to acknowledge those who made this
A Special Award For A Very Special Couple
When we count our blessings at VOICES, we usually start with our favorite couple, Kate and Duane Orloske. We were delighted to hear that our favorite couple was to be recognized by the United Way of Coastal Fairfield County as the “Outstanding Established Volunteering Couple” in New Canaan. The award, presented at a ceremony at New Canaan Library on May 6th.
The Art of Presence - OP ED
David Brooks op-ed, "the Art of Presence" spoke to me. After the death of my son on 9/11 and the loss of a niece and nephew in other tragedies, I can associate with Catherine Woodiwiss' personal story. She eloquently articulates what so many families experience when they suffer a traumatic loss, whether they lost a loved one on 9/11, in a school natural disaster or a tragedy.
An Update from the Office of Military Commissions
Karen Loftus from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of Military Commissions asked us to send you information about
Exciting Announcement from 9/11 Museum
Our partners at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum have asked us to share exciting news about the upco