The memorial garden represents not just the 67 British victims of 9/11, but also those from all 54 Commonwealth countries, including Australia and Canada.
Edelmiro Abad "Ed"
Marie Rose Abad
Andrew Anthony Abate
Vincent Paul Abate
Laurence C. Abel
William F. Abrahamson
Richard A. Aceto
Heinrich B. Ackermann
Patrick Jan Adams
Shannon L. Adams
Stephen Adams
Ignatius U. Adanga
Christy A. Addamo
Sophia B. Addo
Joseph Agnello
David S. Agnes "Dave"
Lt. Brian G. Ahearn
Jeremiah J. Ahern
Joanne Ahladiotis
Shabbir Ahmed
Terrance A. Aiken
Godwin Ajala
Margaret A. Alario "Peggy"
Jon L. Albert
Jacquelyn D. Aldridge-Frederick "Jackie"
Ernest Alikakos
Eric Allen
Joseph Ryan Allen
Richard Dennis Allen "Richie"
Richard Lanard Allen
Janet M. Alonso
Anthony Alvarado
Antonio J. Alvarez
Victoria Alvarez-Brito
Telmo Alvear
Angelo Amaranto
Capt. James Amato
Joseph Amatuccio
Christopher Charles Amoroso "Chopper"
Kazuhiro Anai
Calixto Anaya Jr. "Charlie"
Joseph P. Anchundia
John Andreacchio "Jack"
Michael Rourke Andrews "Roddy"
Joseph John Angelini Jr. "Joe"
Joseph J. Angelini Sr.
Laura Angilletta
Doreen J. Angrisani
Faustino Apostol Jr.
Frank Thomas Aquilino "F.T."
David G. Arce "Buddha"
Louis Arena
Adam P. Arias
Michael J. Armstrong "Mike"
Jack Charles Aron
Joshua T. Aron "Josh"
Japhet J. Aryee
Carl Asaro
Michael E. Asher
Janice Ashley
Thomas J. Ashton
Manuel O. Asitimbay
Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas
Gerald Atwood
James Audiffred
Louis F. Aversano Jr.
Ezra Aviles
Sandy Ayala
Arlene T. Babakitis
John James Badagliacca
Jane Ellen Baeszler
Robert J. Baierwalter
Andrew J. Bailey
Tatyana Bakalinskaya
Michael S. Baksh
Sharon M. Balkcom
Michael Andrew Bane "Bano"
Gerard Jean Baptiste
Walter Baran
Gerard A. Barbara
Paul V. Barbaro
James W. Barbella
Victor Daniel Barbosa
Matthew E. Barnes
Sheila P. Barnes
Arthur T. Barry
Diane G. Barry
Scott D. Bart
Carlton W. Bartels
Guy Barzvi
Inna Basina
Lt. Steven J. Bates
Paul James Battaglia
Ivhan L. C. Bautista
Alan Beaven
Lawrence I. Beck
Carl John Bedigian
Michael E. Beekman "Mickey"
Yelena Belilovsky "Helen"
Nina Patrice Bell
Debbie S. Bellows
Stephen Elliot Belson
Paul Michael Benedetti
Denise L. Benedetto
Bryan Craig Bennett
Eric L. Bennett
Dominick J. Berardi
John P. Bergin
Alvin Bergsohn
Michael J. Berkeley
William H. Bernstein "Billy"
David M. Berray
David S. Berry
Edward F. Beyea
Paul M. Beyer
Shimmy D. Biegeleisen
Peter A. Bielfeld
William Biggart
Brian Bilcher
Carl V. Bini
Joshua David Birnbaum
George Bishop
Jeffrey D. Bittner
Albert Balewa Blackman Jr.
Christopher Joseph Blackwell
Janice L. Blaney
Craig Michael Blass
Rita Blau
Michael Andrew Boccardi
Michael L. Bocchino
Susan M. Bochino
Bruce Douglas Boehm "Chappy"
Darren C. Bohan
Vincent M. Boland Jr. "Vinny"
Andre Bonheur Jr.
Colin A. Bonnett
Frank J. Bonomo
Yvonne L. Bonomo
Richard Edward Bosco "Rich"
John Howard Boulton Jr.
Francisco Bourdier
Kimberly S. Bowers
Veronique N. Bowers
Larry Bowman
Shawn E. Bowman Jr.
Gary R. Box
Gennady Boyarsky
Pamela J. Boyce
Michael Boyle
Sandra Conaty Brace "Sandy"
Kevin H. Bracken
Michelle Renee Bratton
Patrice Braut
Edward A. Brennan III
Francis H. Brennan "Frank/Zelmo"
Michael Emmett Brennan "MikeyB."
Peter Brennan
Thomas M. Brennan "Tom, Beezo"
Capt. Daniel J. Brethel "Danny"
Jonathan E. Briley
Mark A. Brisman
Paul G. Bristow
Marion Britton
Herman C. Broghammer
Keith Alexander Broomfield "Becka"
Janice J. Brown
Lloyd Brown
Capt. Patrick J. Brown
Bettina B. Browne-Radburn
Richard Bruehert
Andrew Brunn
Capt. Vincent Brunton
Ronald Paul Bucca
Brandon J. Buchanan
Gregory J. Buck "Greg"
Dennis Buckley
Nancy Bueche
Patrick Joseph Buhse
Stephen Bunin
Matthew J. Burke "Matt"
Thomas Daniel Burke
Capt. William F. Burke Jr.
Donald J. Burns
Kathleen A. Burns
John Patrick Burnside
Irina Buslo
Milton Bustillo
Thomas M. Butler
Patrick Cain
Timothy G. Byrne
Jesus N. Cabezas
Lillian Caceres
Brian Joseph Cachia
Steven Cafiero Jr.
Richard M. Caggiano
Michael John Cahill
George C. Cain
Salvatore B. Calabro
Philip V. Calcagno
Kenneth Marcus Caldwell
Felix Calixte "Bobby"
Capt. Francis Joseph Callahan
Roko Camaj
Michael F. Cammarata
Geoffrey T. Campbell
Robert Arthur Campbell
Sandra Patricia Campbell
Sean Canavan
Vincent A. Cangelosi "Vinny"
Lisa B. Cannava
Brian Cannizzaro
Michael R. Canty
Louis A. Caporicci
Jonathan N. Cappello "Jono"
James Christopher Cappers
Richard Michael Caproni
Jose Cardona
Dennis M. Carey Sr.
Edward Carlino
Michael Scott Carlo
Rosemarie C. Carlson
Joyce Ann Carpeneto "Cookie"
Jeremy M. Carrington
Michael T. Carroll
Peter Carroll
James J. Carson Jr. "Jay"
James M. Cartier
Vivian Casalduc
John F. Casazza
Paul Cascio
Thomas Anthony Casoria "Tommy"
Leonard M. Castrianno
Jose Raymond Castro
Richard G. Catarelli
Christopher Sean Caton "Sean"
Robert J. Caufield
Mary T. Caulfield
Judson J. Cavalier
Michael Joseph Cawley
Juan A. Ceballos
Marcia G. Cecil-Carter
Jason Cefalu
Thomas J. Celic
Joni Cesta
William Chalcoff
Eli Chalouh
Charles L. Chan "Chip"
Mandy Chang
Gregorio M. Chavez
Pedro Francisco Checo
Stephen Patrick Cherry "Steve"
Vernon P. Cherry
Nestor Chevalier
Alexander H. Chiang
Luis A. Chimbo
Robert Chin
Nicholas P. Chiofalo Jr.
John Chipura
Peter A. Chirchirillo
Catherine E. Chirls "Cathy"
Abul K. Chowdhury
Mohammad S. Chowdhury
Pamela Chu
Wai Ching Chung
Christopher Ciafardini
Alex F. Ciccone
Frances Ann Cilente
Elaine Cillo
Patricia A. Cimaroli Massari
Edna Cintron
Nestor Andre Cintron
Benjamin K. Clark
Eugene Clark
Mannie Leroy Clark
Donna M. Clarke
Michael Clarke
Suria R.E. Clarke
Kevin Francis Cleary "KC"
Susan M. Clyne
Steven Coakley "Steve"
Patricia A. Cody "Pat"
Daniel Michael Coffey
Jason Matthew Coffey
Florence G. Cohen
Kevin Sanford Cohen
Anthony J. Coladonato
Mark J. Colaio
Stephen J. Colaio
Kevin Nathaniel Colbert
Michel Paris Colbert
Scott Thomas Coleman
Tarel Coleman
Liam J. Colhoun
Robert D. Colin
Jean Marie Collin
John Michael Collins
Thomas J. Collins
Joseph Collison
Patricia Malia Colodner
Linda M. Colon
Sol E. Colon
Ronald Comer
Jaime Concepcion
Albert Conde
Denease Conley "Denny"
Susan C. Conlon
Margaret M. Conner
John E. Connolly Jr. "Jack"
Jonathan Connors "J.C."
Kevin Francis Conroy
Brenda E. Conway
Helen D. Cook
John A. Cooper Jr.
Joseph A. Corbett "Joe"
Robert Cordice
Ruben David Correa "Dave"
James J. Corrigan
Carlos Cortes-Rodriguez
Kevin M. Cosgrove
Digna A.R. Costanza
Michael S. Costello "Stitch"
Conrod K.H. Cottoy Sr.
Martin Coughlan
Sgt. John Gerard Coughlin
Timothy John Coughlin
James E. Cove
Andre Cox
Frederick John Cox Jr.
James R. Coyle
Michele Coyle-Eulau
Robert J. Crawford
Joanne M. Cregan
Lucia Crifasi "Lucy"
Lt. John A. Crisci
Daniel H. Crisman
Dennis A. Cross
Thomas G. Crotty "Tommy"
Welles Remy Crowther
Robert L. Cruikshank
Kenneth J. Cubas
Francisco Cruz Cubero
Neil James Cudmore
Thomas Patrick Cullen III
Joan McConnell Cullinan
Brian Thomas Cummins
Robert Curatolo
Laurence Curia "TheClam"
Paul Dario Curioli
Beverly L. Curry
Michael Curtin
John D'Allara
Vincent D'Amadeo
Mary D'Antonio
Lt. Edward A. D'Atri
Jeannine M. Damiani-Jones
Manuel DaMota
Patrick W. Danahy
Vincent G. Danz
Dwight D. Darcy
Annette A. Dataram
Lawrence Davidson
Scott M. Davidson
Titus Davidson
Niurka Davila
Clinton Davis Sr.
Calvin Dawson
Edward James Day "Eddy"
David A. De Feo
Jennifer De Jesus
Nereida De Jesus
Emertia De La Pena "Emy"
Azucena de la Torre "Afita"
Francis De Martini "Frank"
Jose Nicholas De Pena
William T. Dean
Robert J. DeAngelis Jr.
Thomas P. DeAngelis
Tara M. Debek
Anna DeBin
James V. DeBlase
Paul DeCola
Simon M. Dedvukaj
Jason DeFazio "Jay"
Monique E. DeJesus
Manuel Del Valle Jr.
Vito J. DeLeo
Danielle Delie
Joseph A. Della Pietra "Joey"
Palmina DelliGatti
Anthony Demas
Martin N. DeMeo "Marty"
Carol K. Demitz
Thomas F. Dennis "Tom"
Robert J. Deraney
Michael DeRienzo
David P. DeRubbio
Lt. Andrew Desperito
Cindy A. Deuel
Jerry DeVito
Dennis Lawrence Devlin
Gerard P. Dewan
Sulemanali Ali Kassamali Dhanani "Simon"
Patricia F. Di Chiaro
Debra Ann Di Martino
Joseph L. Di Pilato
Michael L. DiAgostino
Matthew M. Diaz
Nancy Diaz
Obdulio Ruiz Diaz
Judith Diaz-Sierra
Joseph D. Dickey Jr.
John Difato
Donald J. DiFranco
John DiGiovanni
Stephen P. Dimino
William J. Dimmling
Jeffrey M. Dingle
Rena Sam Dinnoo
George DiPasquale
Douglas F. DiStefano
John J. Doherty
Melissa C. Doi
Neil M. Dollard
James J. Domanico
Benilda P. Domingo
Charles Dominguez "Carlos"
Jerome M.P. Dominguez "Jerome"
Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly
Jacqueline Donovan
William H. Donovan
Stephen S. Dorf
Thomas F Dowd "Browser"
Lt. Kevin C. Dowdell
Mary Y. Dowling
Raymond M. Downey Sr.
Joseph M. Doyle "Bulldog"
Stephen Patrick Driscoll
Mirna A. Duarte
Christopher M. Duffy
Gerard Duffy
Michael J. Duffy
Thomas W. Duffy
Jackie S. Duggan
Sareve Dukat
Christopher J. Dunne
Richard A. Dunstan
Patrick T. Dwyer "Paddy-D"
Joseph A. Eacobacci
Robert D. Eaton
Paul Robert Eckna
Constantine Economos "Gus"
Dennis M. Edwards
Michael Hardy Edwards
Capt. Martin J. Egan Jr. "Marty"
Carole Eggert
Lisa C.W. Ehrlich
Eric Adam Eisenberg
Daphne F. Elder
Michael J. Elferis
Mark J. Ellis
Valerie S. Ellis
LTC. Robert R. Elseth
Doris Suk-Yuen Eng
Christopher S. Epps
Erwin L. Erker "BigE"
Sarah Escarcega "Ali"
Bridget A. Esposito
Francis Esposito
Lt. Michael Esposito
William Esposito "Billy/Scoop"
Ruben Esquilin Jr.
Sadie Ette
Robert E. Evans "Bobby"
Catherine K. Fagan
Patricia Mary Fagan "Pat"
Keith G. Fairben
Sandra Fajardo-Smith
William Lawrence Fallon Jr.
William F. Fallon Jr. "Bill"
Anthony J. Fallone Jr. "Tony"
Dolores B. Fanelli
John Joseph Fanning "Jack"
Capt. Thomas Farino
Elizabeth A. Farmer "Betty"
Douglas J. Farnum
John Gerard Farrell
FF Terrence Patrick Farrell
Capt. Joseph D. Farrelly
Thomas P. Farrelly
Shannon M. Fava
Bernard D. Favuzza
Robert C. Fazio Jr.
William Feehan
Francis J. Feely "Frank"
Garth E. Feeney
Sean B. Fegan
Lee S. Fehling
Alan D. Feinberg
Rosa M. Feliciano
Henry Fernandez
Julio Fernandez
Robert John Ferris
David Francis Ferrugio "Dave"
Michael D. Ferugio "Mike"
Bradley James Fetchet "Brad"
Kristen Fiedel
Samuel Fields
Michael Bradley Finnegan
Michael C. Fiore
Stephen J. Fiorelli
Paul M. Fiori
John B. Fiorito
Lt. John R. Fischer
Andrew Fisher
Thomas J. Fisher "Tom"
Lucy A Fishman
Ryan D. Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Richard P. Fitzsimons
Christina D. Flannery
Eileen Flecha
Andre G. Fletcher
Carl M. Flickinger
John J. Florio
David L. W. Fodor
Lt. Michael N. Fodor
Stephen Mark Fogel "Steve"
Thomas J. Foley "Tommy"
David Fontana
Godwin Forde
Donald A. Foreman "D"
Claudia A.M. Foster
Ana Fosteris
Robert J. Foti
Jeffrey L. Fox
Virginia Fox
Pauline Francis
Virgin Francis "Lucille"
Morton Frank "Morty"
Peter Christopher Frank
Richard K. Fraser
Kevin Joseph Frawley
Clyde Frazier Jr.
Lillian I. Frederick
Andrew A. Fredericks
Tamitha Freeman
Brett O. Freiman
Lt. Peter L. Freund
Arlene E. Fried
Alan Wayne Friedlander
Andrew K. Friedman
Clement Fumando
Steven Elliot Furman
Fredric Neal Gabler "FreddyTheBug"
James Andrew Gadiel
Ervin V. Gailliard
Deanna L. Galante
Grace Galante
Anthony E. Gallagher
John P. Gallagher
Lourdes J. Galletti
Cono E. Gallo
Thomas Edward Galvin "Tom"
Giovanna G. Gambale "Gennie"
Thomas Gambino Jr.
Giann F. Gamboa
Peter J. Ganci Jr.
Lt. Charles William Garbarini "UncleChaCha"
Cesar Garcia
David Garcia
Jorge L.M. Garcia
Juan Garcia
Marlyn C. Garcia
Douglas B. Gardner "Doug"
Thomas A. Gardner
William A. Gardner
Francesco Garfi "Frank"
Rocco N. Gargano
James M. Gartenberg "Jim"
Bruce Gary
Donald R. Gavagan Jr.
Terence D. Gazzani "Terry"
Gary P. Geidel "MuleBone"
Paul Hamilton Geier
Peter G. Gelinas
Steven Paul Geller "Steve"
Howard Gelling
Peter Victor Genco
Edward F. Geraghty
Suzanne Geraty
Ralph Gerhardt
Denis Germain
Marina R. Gertsberg "Mishka"
Susan M. Getzendanner
James Gerard Geyer "Jimmy"
Capt. Vincent Francis Giammona
James A. Giberson "Jim"
Craig Neil Gibson
Ronnie E. Gies
Paul John Gill "Paulie"
Mark Y. Gilles
Evan H. Gillette
Laura Gilly
Lt. John F. Ginley
Jeffrey Giordano
John Giordano
Steven A. Giorgetti
Martin Giovinazzo
Kum-Kum Girolamo
Cynthia Giugliano
Mon Gjonbalaj
Dianne Gladstone
Keith A. Glascoe
John T. Gnazzo
Michael Gogliormella "Mickey"
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam
Michelle H. Goldstein
Monica Goldstein
Andrew H. Golkin
Dennis J. Gomes
Enrique A. Gomez
Joseph Bienvenido Gomez "Jose"
Manuel Gomez Jr.
Wilder A. Gomez
Jenine Gonzalez
Mauricio Gonzalez
Calvin J. Gooding
Harry Goody III
Catherine C. Gorayeb "Cathy"
Kerene Gordon
Sebastian Gorki
Kieran Gorman
David Gotesky
Olga Osterholm White Gould "Kristin"
Yuji Goya
Jon R. Grabowski
David M. Graifman
Gilbert Franco Granados "Gil"
Elvira Granitto
Winston Arthur Grant ""Spitty""
James M. Gray
Tara McCloud Gray
Derrick A. Green
Wade B. Green
Elaine Myra Greenberg
James Arthur Greenleaf Jr.
Eileen M. Greenstein
Elizabeth M. Gregg "Lisa"
Denise Gregory
Donald H. Gregory "Donnie"
Florence M. Gregory
Tawanna Griffin
Warren Grifka
Joseph F. Grillo
David Grimner "Dave"
Linda Gronlund
Joseph Grzelak
Matthew J. Grzymalski
Robert Joseph Gschaar "Rob"
Jose A. Guadalupe
Cindy Yan Zu Guan "Cindy"
Lt. Geoffrey E. Guja
Lt. Joseph P. Gullickson
Babita Guman
Barbara Guzzardo
Peter Gyulavary
Gary R. Haag
Barbara M. Habib
Philip Haentzler
Nezam A. Hafiz
Karen E. Hagerty
Steven M. Hagis Jr.
Mary Lou Hague
David Halderman Jr.
Richard B. Hall
Vaswald G. Hall
Lt. Vincent G. Halloran
Mohammad Salman Hamdani
Felicia Hamilton
Robert W. Hamilton "Bob"
Christopher J. Hanley
Sean S. Hanley
Valerie J. Hanna
Thomas Hannafin
Michael L. Hannan
Dana Hannon
Vassilios G. Haramis
James A. Haran
Jeffrey P. Hardy
Daniel E. Harlin
Frances Haros
Lt. Harvey L. Harrell
Lt. Stephen G. Harrell
Aisha Harris
Emeric J. Harvey
Thomas T. Haskell Jr.
Timothy Haskell
Joseph John Hasson III
Capt. Terence S. Hatton
Michael H. Haub
Timothy Aaron Haviland
Anthony Hawkins
Nobuhiro Hayatsu
Philip T. Hayes
William Ward Haynes "Ward-O,Ward"
Lt. Michael K. Healey
Roberta Bernstein Heber "Bobbi"
Charles Francis Xavier Heeran
John Heffernan
Ronnie Lee Henderson
Michelle M. Henrique
Joseph P. Henry "Joey"
William L. Henry Jr.
Catherina Henry-Robinson
John Henwood
Mary Herencia "Molly"
Lindsay C. Herkness III
Harvey R. Hermer
Norberto Hernandez
Raul Hernandez
Gary Herold
Jeffrey A Hersch
Thomas Hetzel
Capt. Brian C. Hickey
Lt. Timothy Higgins
Clara Victorine Hinds
Neal Hinds
Mark D. Hindy
Katsuyuki Hirai
Heather M. Ho
Tara Yvette Hobbs
Thomas A. Hobbs "Tommy"
DaJuan Hodges
Ronald George Hoerner "Ron"
Marcia Hoffman
Stephen G. Hoffman
Thomas Warren Hohlweck Jr.
Jonathan R. Hohmann
Elizabeth Holmes
Thomas P. Holohan Jr.
Bradley Van Hoorn "Brad"
James Patrick Hopper "Jimmy"
Montgomery McCullough Hord
Michael Horn
Robert L. Horohoe Jr.
Aaron Horwitz
Charles J. Houston
George Howard
Michael C. Howell
Steven L. Howell
Jennifer L. Howley
Milagros Hromada
Marian Hrycak
Kris Robert Hughes
Lamar Demetrius Hulse
Joseph G. Hunter
Robert R Hussa
Capt. Walter Hynes
Joseph Anthony Ianelli
Jonathan Lee Ielpi
Michael Patrick Iken
Daniel Ilkanayev
Capt. Frederick J. Ill Jr. "Freddie"
Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz
Louis S. Inghilterra
Paul William Innella
Stephanie V. Irby
Douglas J. Irgang
Kristin A. Irvine-Ryan
Todd A. Isaac
Erik H. Isbrandtsen
Aram Iskenderian Jr.
Kazushige Ito
Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov
Brooke Alexandra Jackman
Aaron Jacobs
Ariel L. Jacobs
Steven A. Jacobson
Ricknauth Jaggernauth
Jake Denis Jagoda
Yudhvir S. Jain "Yudh"
Maria Jakubiak
Ernest James
Mark Steven Jardim
Mohammadou Jawara
Francois Jean-Pierre
Maxima Jean-Pierre
Paul E. Jeffers
Joseph Jenkins Jr.
Farah Jeudy
Eliezer Jimenez Jr.
Luis Jimenez Jr.
Charles Gregory John
Nicholas John
LaShawna Johnson "Shawn"
Scott M. Johnson
William R. Johnston
Allison H. Jones
Arthur Joseph Jones III
Brian L. Jones
Christopher D. Jones
Linda Jones
Mary S. Jones
Andrew Jordan
Karl Henri Joseph
Jane Eileen Josiah
Lt. Anthony Jovic
Angel Luis Juarbe Jr.
Karen Sue Juday
The Rev. Mychal Judge
P.O. Paul W. Jurgens
Thomas Edward Jurgens
Gavkharoy Mukhometovna Kamardinova
Vincent D. Kane
Sheldon R. Kanter
William A. Karnes "Tony"
Douglas G. Karpiloff
B.C. Charles L. Kasper
Andrew Kates
John Katsimatides
Don Jerome Kauth Jr.
Lisa Kearney-Griffin
Karol Ann Keasler
Paul Hanlon Keating
Peter Rodney Kellerman
Joseph P. Kellett
Frederick H. Kelley
James Joseph Kelly
Joseph A. Kelly
Maurice Patrick Kelly
Richard J. Kelly Jr.
Thomas R. Kelly "Tommy"
Thomas W. Kelly
Timothy C. Kelly
William Hill Kelly Jr.
Robert C. Kennedy "Bob"
Thomas J. Kennedy
John Richard Keohane "Jack"
Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin
Douglas D. Ketcham
Ruth E. Ketler
Boris Khalif
Sarah Khan
Taimour Firaz Khan
Michael Kiefer
Satoshi Kikuchihara
Mary Jo Kimelman
Amy R. King
Robert King Jr. "Bobby"
Lisa M. King-Johnson
Takashi Kinoshita
Chris Michael Kirby
Robert W. Kirkpatrick
Howard Kirschbaum "Barry"
Glenn Davis Kirwin
Helen Crossin Kittle
Richard J. Klares
Karen J. Klitzman
Ronald Phillip Kloepfer
Stephen A. Knapp
Eugueni Kniazev
Deborah Kobus
Gary Edward Koecheler
Frank J. Koestner
Ryan A. Kohart
Vanessa Lynn Kolpak
Irina Kolpakova
Abdoulaye Koné
Scott Kopytko
Bojan Kostic
Danielle Kousoulis
William E. Krukowski
Lyudmila Ksido
Shekhar Kumar
Kenneth Bruce Kumpel "Ken"
Frederick Kuo Jr.
Patricia A. Kuras
Nauka Kushitani
Thomas Joseph Kuveikis
Victor Kwarkye
Raymond Kui Fai Kwok
Carol Ann La Plante
Jeffrey La Touche
Kathryn L. LaBorie
Amarnauth Lachhman "Amo"
Joseph A. Lafalce
Jeanette LaFond-Menichino "Kiddo"
David LaForge
Juan Mendez Lafuente
Vincent A. Laieta "Vinny"
William David Lake
Amy Hope Lamonsoff
Robert T. Lane
Rosanne P. Lang
Vanessa Langer
Mary Lou Langley
Peter J. Langone
Thomas Langone
Michele B. Lanza
Ingeborg Lariby
Christopher Randall Larrabee
Hamidou S. Larry
Scott Larsen
Charles Laurencin
Stephen James Lauria
Maria LaVache
Denis F. Lavelle
Jeannine M. LaVerde
Nathaniel Lawson
Eugen Lazar
James P. Leahy
Lt. Joseph G. Leavey
Neil Leavy
Alan J. Lederman
Elena Ledesma
Alexis Leduc
Gary H. Lee
Hyun Joon Lee "Paul"
Juanita Lee
Kathryn B. Lee
Linda C. Lee
Lorraine Greene Lee "Lorzie"
Richard Y.C. Lee "Rich"
Stuart Lee
Yang Der Lee
Stephen Lefkowitz
Adriana Legro
Edward J. Lehman
Eric Andrew Lehrfeld
David Ralph Leistman
John Robinson Lenoir
Matthew Gerard Leonard "Matt"
Michael Lepore
Jeffrey LeVeen "Jeff"
John D. Levi
Alisha Caren Levin "Leesh"
Neil D. Levin
Robert Michael Levine
Shai Levinhar
Adam J. Lewis
Ye Wei Liang
Daniel F. Libretti
Ralph M. Licciardi
Edward Lichtschein
Steven B. Lillianthal "Barney"
Carlos R. Lillo
Arnold A. Lim
Nickie L. Lindo
Thomas V. Linehan Jr.
Robert Thomas Linnane
Diane Theresa Lipari
Francisco Albert Liriano
Lorraine Lisi
Paul Lisson
Vincent Litto
Nancy Liz
Harold Lizcano
Martin Lizzul
George A. Llanes
Elizabeth Claire Logler "Beth"
Catherine Lisa Loguidice "Biker Chic"
Michael W. Lomax
Laura M. Pettus Longing
Salvatore P. Lopes
Daniel Lopez
Luis Lopez
Chet Louie
Jenny Seu Kueng Low Low Wong
Michael W. Lowe
John Peter Lozowsky
Charles Peter Lucania
Mark G. Ludvigsen "Lud"
Lee Charles Ludwig
Sean Thomas Lugano "Seany"
Daniel Lugo
Marie Lukas
William Lum Jr.
Michael P. Lunden
Anthony Luparello
Gary Lutnick
Linda Luzzicone
Alexander Lygin
Farrell P. Lynch
Louise A. Lynch
Michael F. Lynch
Michael Cameron Lynch
Michael Francis Lynch
Richard Dennis Lynch Jr.
Robert H. Lynch
Sean P. Lynch "Syncher"
Michael J. Lyons
Monica Lyons
Lt. Patrick John Lyons
Robert F. Mace
Jan Maciejewski
Catherine Fairfax MacRae "Cat"
Noell Maerz
Jennieann Maffeo
Joseph Maffeo
Jay Robert Magazine
Brian Magee
Charles Wilson Magee
Daniel L. Maher
Thomas Anthony Mahon
William J. Mahoney II
Joseph Maio ""BigJoe""
Linda C. Mair-Grayling
Takashi Makimoto
Abdu Malahi
Debora Maldonado
Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto
Joseph E. Maloney "Teddy"
Gene E. Maloy
Francisco Miguel Mancini "Frank"
Sara Elizabeth Manley
Debra M. Mannetta "Debbie"
Marion Victoria Manning "Vickie"
Terence J. Manning
James Maounis "Jimmy"
Joseph Ross Marchbanks Jr.
Laura A. Marchese
Peter Edward Mardikian "Pete"
Edward Joseph Mardovich
Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta
Kenneth Joseph Marino "Kenny"
Lester Vincent Marino
Vita Marino
Kevin D. Marlo
John Daniel Marshall
Michael A. Marti "Marty"
Lt. Peter C. Martin
Betsy Martinez
Edward J. Martinez
Jose Martinez
Robert G. Martinez
Lizie Martinez-Calderon
Lt. Paul Richard Martini
Anne Marie Martino-Cramer "Annie"
Joseph A. Mascali
Stephen F. Masi
Nicholas G. Massa "Nick"
Michael Massaroli "Mike,Maz"
Rudolph Mastrocinque "Rudy"
Marcello Matricciano
Margaret Mattic
Robert D. Mattson
Walter Matuza
Jill Maurer-Campbell
Charles J. Mauro
Charles A. Mauro Jr. "Chuck"
Dorothy Mauro
Nancy T. Mauro
Keithroy Marcellus Maynard
Robert J. Mayo "Rob/Robbie"
Kathy N. Mazza
Edward Mazzella Jr.
Jennifer Lynn Mazzotta
Brian McAleese
Patricia A. McAneney
John McAvoy
Kenneth M. McBrayer
Brendan McCabe
Justin J. McCarthy
Michael Desmond McCarthy
Robert Garvin McCarthy
Stanley McCaskill
Katie Marie McCloskey
Charles Austin McCrann
Joseph P. McDonald
Brian G. McDonnell
Michael P. McDonnell
John Francis McDowell Jr. "Axe"
John Thomas McErlean
Mark R. McGinly
Lt. William E. McGinn
Ann McGovern
Scott Martin McGovern
William J. McGovern "Bill"
Francis Noel McGuinn
Patrick J. McGuire
Thomas M. McHale ""The Laugher""
Ann Marie McHugh
Denis J. McHugh III
Dennis P. McHugh
Michael Edward McHugh Jr.
Robert G. McIlvaine "Bobby"
Donald James McIntyre
Stephanie McKenna
Barry J. McKeon
Evelyn C. McKinnedy
Darryl Leron McKinney
Robert C. McLaughlin Jr.
Gavin McMahon
Robert Dismas McMahon "Bobby"
Daniel W. McNeal
Walter Arthur McNeil "Arthur"
Sean Peter McNulty
Robert William McPadden
Terence McShane
Timothy Patrick McSweeney "BigGuy"
Martin E. McWilliams
Rocco A. Medaglia
Abigail Medina
Ana Iris Medina
Alok Kumar Mehta
Raymond Meisenheimer
Manuel Emilio Mejia
Eskedar Melaku
Antonio Melendez
Yelena Melnichenko
Stuart Todd Meltzer
Diarelia Jovannah Mena
Charles R. Mendez
Shevonne Mentis
Steve Mercado
Wilfredo Mercado
Wesley Mercer
Ralph Joseph Mercurio
George L. Merino
Yamel Merino
George Merkouris
Jill A. Metzler
Nurul Huq Miah
Peter T. Milano "Pete"
Lukasz T. Milewski
Sharon Christina Millan
Corey Peter Miller
Douglas C. Miller
Henry Miller Jr.
Joel Miller
Philip D. Miller
Robert Alan Miller
Benjamin Millman "Benny"
Charles M. Mills Jr.
Ronald Keith Milstein
Robert Minara
William G. Minardi
Thomas Mingione
Wilbert Miraille
Joseph Mistrulli
Susan Miszkowicz
Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell "BigDaddy"
Richard P Miuccio
Frank V. Moccia Sr.
Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi
Boyie Mohammed
Lt. Dennis Mojica
Manuel Mojica Jr.
Kleber Rolando Molina
Manuel DeJesus Molina
Carl Molinaro
Brian Patrick Monaghan Jr.
Franklyn Monahan
Kristen Montanaro
Craig D. Montano
Michael Montesi
Capt. Thomas Moody
Sharon Moore
Krishna Moorthy
Abner Morales
Carlos Morales
Paula Morales
John Moran
Kathleen Moran
Lindsay S. Morehouse
George W. Morell
Vincent S. Morello
Yvette N. Moreno
Dorothy Morgan
Nancy Morgenstern
Blanca Robertina Morocho
Leonel Geronimo Morocho Morocho
Dennis G. Moroney
Lynne Irene Morris
Cynthia Motus-Wilson
Iouri A. Mouchinski
Jude J. Moussa
Damion Mowatt
Christopher Mozzillo
Stephen V. W. Mulderry
Richard Muldowney Jr.
Michael D. Mullan
Dennis Michael Mulligan
Peter James Mulligan
Nancy Muniz
Francisco Munoz
Theresa Ann Munson "Terry"
Brian J. Murphy
Kevin James Murphy
Lt. Raymond E. Murphy "Ray"
Robert Eddie Murphy Jr.
James Francis Murphy IV "Jimmy"
Mary K. Murphy-Boffa
Valerie Victoria Murray "Valaria"
Richard Todd Myhre
Lt. Robert B. Nagel
Takuya Nakamura
Lt. John P. Napolitano
Mario Nardone Jr.
Manika Narula
Karen S. Navarro
Glenroy Neblett
Rayman Marcus Neblett
Jerome O. Nedd
Laurence Nedell
Luke G. Nee
Ann Nicole Nelson
David W. Nelson
Ginger Risco Nelson "Ginger"
James A. Nelson "Jimmy"
Michele Ann Nelson
Peter A. Nelson
Oscar Nesbitt
Gerard T. Nevins "Gerry"
Nancy Yuen Ngo
Jody Tepedino Nichilo
Frank John Niestadt
Gloria Nieves
Juan Nieves
Troy Edward Nilsen
John Ballantine Niven
Curtis Terrence Noel
Michael Allen Noeth
Daniela Notaro
Brian C. Novotny "Vots"
Soichi Numata
Brian Felix Nuñez
Jose R. Nuñez
Jeffrey Nussbaum
Dennis O'Berg
James P. O'Brien Jr.
Michael P. O'Brien "OB"
Scott J. O'Brien
Timothy Michael O'Brien
Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan
Dennis J. O'Connor Jr.
Diana J. O'Connor
Richard J. O'Connor "Rick"
Amy O'Doherty
Marni P. O'Doherty
Lt. Thomas O'Hagan
Patrick O'Keefe
Capt. William O'Keefe
Gerald Thomas O'Leary "Jerry"
Matthew Timothy O'Mahony "Matt"
John P. O'Neill Sr.
Peter J. O'Neill Jr.
Sean Gordon Corbett O'Neill Jr.
Kevin O'Rourke
Patrick J. O'Shea
James A. Oakley
Douglas Oelschlager
Albert Ogletree
Philip Paul Ognibene "Woody,Eddie"
Joseph J. Ogren
Samuel Oitice
Gerald Michael Olcott
Christine Anne Olender
Linda Mary Oliva
Edward K. Oliver
Leah E. Oliver
Eric T. Olsen
Jeffrey James Olsen
Maureen L. Olson "Rene"
Steven John Olson
Toshihiro Onda
Seamus L Oneal
Michael C. Opperman
Christopher T. Orgielewicz "Chris"
Virginia Anne Ormiston
Juan Ortega-Campos
Alexander Ortiz
Emilio Ortiz Jr. "Peter"
Pablo Ortiz
Paul Ortiz Jr. "Paulie"
Sonia Ortiz
James Robert Ostrowski
Jason Douglas Oswald
Michael J. Otten
Isidro Ottenwalder
Michael Chung Ou
Jesus Ovalles
Peter J. Owens "Pete"
Adianes Oyola
Angel M. Pabon
Israel Pabon
Roland Pacheco
Michael B. Packer
Jeffrey M. Palazzo
Thomas Palazzo "TP"
Richard A. Palazzolo "Rico"
B.C. Orio Joseph Palmer
Frank A. Palombo "Frankie"
Alan N. Palumbo
Christopher M. Panatier "Pana"
Paul Pansini
B.C. John M. Paolillo
Edward J. Papa
Salvatore T. Papasso
James N. Pappageorge
Vijayashanker Paramsothy "Vijay,Shanker"
Hardai Parbhu "Casey"
James Wendell Parham
Debra Paris "Debbie"
George Paris
Gye Hyong Park
Michael A. Parkes
Robert Parro
Diane M. Parsons
Leobardo L. Pascual
Michael J. Pascuma Jr.
Horace R. Passananti
Avnish Ramanbhai Patel
Dipti Patel
James Matthew Patrick "Jimmy,Jimbo,JP"
Bernard E. Patterson "Bernie"
Cira M. Patti
Robert Edward Pattison "Bob"
James R. Paul
Patrice Paz
Victor Hugo Paz
Stacey L. Peak
Richard Allen Pearlman
Durrell V. Pearsall Jr.
Thomas E. Pedicini
Todd D. Pelino
Anthony Peluso
Richard A. Penny
Salvatore Francesco Pepe "Sal"
Carl Allen Peralta
Robert David Peraza "Rob"
Angela S. Perez
Anthony Perez
Ivan Perez
Joseph John Perroncino
Edward J. Perrotta
Emelda Perry
Lt. Glenn C. Perry
John William Perry
Franklin Allan Pershep "Frank"
Daniel Pesce "Danny"
Michael J. Pescherine
Davin N. Peterson "Ging-Ging"
Jean H. Peterson
William Russel Peterson
Mark Petrocelli
Lt. Philip S. Petti
Glen Kerrin Pettit
Dominick Pezzulo
Lt. Kevin Pfeifer
Lt. Kenneth John Phelan
Dr. Sneha Anne Philip
Christopher Pickford
Dennis J. Pierce
Theodoros Pigis
Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto
Christopher Todd Pitman
Joshua M. Piver "Josh"
Joseph B Plumitallo "Joe"
William H. Pohlmann
Laurence M. Polatsch
Steve Pollicino
Joshua Poptean
Giovanna Porras
Anthony Portillo
Richard N. Poulos "Richie"
Brandon Jerome Powell
Shawn Edward Powell
Wanda Ivelisse Prince
Vincent A. Princiotta
Kevin Prior
Everett Martin Proctor III "Marty"
Carrie B. Progen
B.C. Richard Prunty
John F. Puckett
Robert D. Pugliese
Patricia Ann Puma
Hemanth Kumar Puttur
Lars Peter Qualben
Lincoln Quappe
Beth Ann Quigley
Lt. Michael Quilty "Mike"
James Francis Quinn
Ricardo Quinn
Carol Rabalais
Christopher Peter A. Racaniello "Rac"
Leonard Ragaglia
Eugene J. Raggio
Michael P. Ragusa "Mike"
Peter F. Raimondi
Harry A. Raines
Valsa Raju
Edward Rall
Lukas Rambousek "Luke,DJGato"
Maria Isabel Ramirez
Vishnoo Ramsaroop
Lorenzo Ramzey
Adam David Rand
Jonathan C. Randall
Faina Rapoport
Amenia Rasool
Roger Mark Rasweiler "Mark"
Gerard Rauzi
Alexey Razuvaev
Gregory Reda
Michele Reed
Donald J. Regan "Donnie"
Lt. Robert M. Regan "Bobby"
Christian Michael Otto Regenhard
Howard Reich
James B. Reilly "Jim"
Kevin Owen Reilly "Radar,Cityboy"
Timothy E. Reilly
Joseph Reina Jr.
Joshua Scott Reiss "Josh"
Karen Renda
John Armand Reo
John Thomas Resta
Sylvia San Pio Resta
Eduvigis Reyes "Eddie"
Rudolph N. Riccio
AnnMarie Davi Riccoboni
David Rice
Eileen Mary Rice
Kenneth F. Rice III
Lt. Vernon Allan Richard
Claude D. Richards
Gregory Richards
Michael Richards
James C. Riches "Jimmy"
Alan Jay Richman
John M. Rigo
Rose Mary Riso
Moises N. Rivas
Joseph Rivelli "Jr."
Carmen A. Rivera
Juan William Rivera
Linda Rivera
David E. Rivers
Joseph R. Riverso
Paul Rizza
John Frank Rizzo
Joseph Roberto "Joe"
Michael E. Roberts "Mike"
Michael Edward Roberts
Donald Robson
Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha "Tony"
Laura Rockefeller
Antonio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues
Anthony Rodriguez
Gregory E. Rodriguez
Mayra Valdes Rodriguez
Matthew Rogan
Keith Roma
Joseph M. Romagnolo
Sean P Rooney
Eric Thomas Ropiteau
Angela Rosario
Mark H. Rosen
Brooke David Rosenbaum
Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg
Andrew I. Rosenblum
Joshua A. Rosenthal
Philip M. Rosenzweig
Nicholas P. Rossomando
Donna Marie Rothenberg
Mark David Rothenberg "Mickey"
Timothy A. Roy Sr.
Paul G. Ruback
Joanne Rubino
David Michael Ruddle
Bart Joseph Ruggiere
Susan Ann Ruggiero
Adam K. Ruhalter "Bubba"
Gilbert Ruiz Sr.
Stephen P. Russell
Lt. Michael Thomas Russo
Edward Ryan
John Joseph Ryan Jr. "J.R."
Jonathan Stephen Ryan
Matthew L. Ryan
Tatiana Ryjova
Christina Sunga Ryook
Thierry Saada
Jason E. Sabbag "Jasi"
Thomas E. Sabella
Scott Saber
Francis John Sadocha "Frank"
Jude Elias Safi
Brock Joel Safronoff
Hernando R. Salas
Juan Salas
Esmerlin Salcedo
John Salvatore Salerno Jr. "Pepe"
Wayne John Saloman
Nolbert Salomon
Catherine Patricia Salter
Frank Salvaterra
Paul R. Salvio "Paulie"
Samuel R. Salvo Jr. "Sammy"
Carlos Samaniego
Hugo Sanay
Alva Cynthia Jeffries Sanchez
Jacquelyn Patrice Sanchez
Raymond Sanchez
Eric Sand
Stacey Leigh Sanders
Herman Sandler
Ayleen J. Santiago
Kirsten Santiago
Susan G. Santo
Christopher Santora
John A. Santore
Mario L. Santoro
Rafael H. Santos
Rufino Conrado F. Santos III "Roy"
Chapelle Sarker
Paul F. Sarle
Gregory Thomas Saucedo
Anthony Savas
Vladimir Savinkin
John Sbarbaro
Robert L. Scandole Jr. "Rob"
Michelle Scarpitta
John A. Schardt
Fire Chief Frederick Claude Scheffold Jr. "Fred"
Angela Susan Scheinberg
Sean Schielke
Karen Helene Schmidt
Ian Schneider
Thomas G. Schoales
Marisa DiNardo Schorpp
Frank G. Schott
Gerard P. Schrang "Juice"
Jeffrey H. Schreier
John T. Schroeder "Stinky"
Edward W. Schunk
Mark Schwartz
Adriane Victoria Scibetta
Christopher J. Scudder
Arthur Warren Scullin "Warren"
Michael Seaman
Margaret Seeliger
Anthony Segarra
Carlos Segarra
Jason Sekzer
Howard Selwyn
Arturo Angelo Sereno
Alena Sesinova
Adele Sessa
Sita N. Sewnarine
Davis Sezna Jr. "Deeg"
Thomas Joseph Sgroi
Mohammed Shajahan
Gary Shamay
Earl Richard Shanahan
Neil G. Shastri
Kathryn Anne Shatzoff
Jeffrey J. Shaw
Robert J. Shay Jr.
Daniel James Shea
Linda Sheehan
John Anthony Sherry
Atsushi Shiratori
Thomas Shubert
Allan Abraham Shwartzstein "Shwarty"
Clarin Shellie Siegel-Schwartz
Dianne T. Signer
Gregory R. Sikorsky
Stephen Gerard Siller "Steve"
David Silver
Craig A. Silverstein
Nasima H. Simjee
Diane M. Simmons
George W. Simmons
Arthur Simon
Kenneth A. Simon "Kenny"
Paul Joseph Simon
Marianne Simone
Barry Simowitz
Khamladai K. Singh "Khami"
Roshan R. Singh "Sean"
Thomas E. Sinton III
Peter A. Siracuse
Muriel F. Siskopoulos
Joseph M. Sisolak
John P. Skala
Paul A. Skrzypek
Christopher Paul Slattery "Chris"
Vincent R. Slavin
Robert Sliwak
Paul K. Sloan
Stanley Smagala Jr.
Wendy L. Small
Catherine T. Smith "Cathahooch"
Daniel Laurence Smith "Danny"
James G. Smith
Jeffrey Randall Smith "Jeff"
Joyce Patricia Smith
Kevin J. Smith
Leon Smith Jr. "Express"
Moira Smith
Monica Rodriguez Smith
Rosemary A. Smith
Bonnie S. Smithwick
Rochelle Monique Snell
Sushil Solanki
Ruben Solares
Naomi Leah Solomon
Daniel W. Song
Gregory T. Spagnoletti
Donald F. Spampinato Jr.
Thomas Sparacio
John Anthony Spataro
Robert W. Spear Jr.
Robert Speisman "Bob"
Mary Rubina Sperando
William E. Spitz "Will"
Joseph P. Spor
Saranya Srinuan
Fitzroy St. Rose
Michael F. Stabile
B.C. Lawrence T. Stack
Capt. Timothy Stackpole
Eric Adam Stahlman
Gregory Stajk
Alexandru Liviu Stan
Corina Stan
Mary D. Stanley
Anthony M. Starita
Jeffrey Stark
Craig William Staub
William V. Steckman "Bill"
Eric Thomas Steen
Alexander Robbins Steinman
Andrew Stergiopoulos
Andrew Stern
Martha Jane Stevens
Michael James Stewart
Richard H. Stewart Jr.
Sanford M. Stoller
Lonny J. Stone
Timothy C. Stout
Steven R. Strauss
Walwyn W. Stuart
Benjamin Suarez
Ramon Suarez "Ray"
William C. Sugra
Daniel Suhr
David Marc Sullins
Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Hilario Soriano Sumaya Jr.
James Joseph Suozzo
Robert Sutcliffe
Seline Sutter
Claudia Suzette Sutton
John F. Swaine
Kristine M. Swearson
Brian Edward Sweeney
Derek Ogilvie Sword
Kevin T. Szocik
Norbert P. Szurkowski
Harry Taback
JoAnn Tabeek
Norma C Taddei
Michael Taddonio
Keiichiro Takahashi
Phyllis Gail Talbot
Sean Patrick Tallon
Paul Talty
Maurita Tam
Rachel Tamares
Hector Tamayo
Michael Andrew Tamuccio
Kenichiro Tanaka
Michael C. Tarrou "Mac"
Darryl Taylor
Donnie Brooks Taylor
Lorisa Ceylon Taylor "Ris"
Michael M. Taylor
Paul A. Tegtmeier
Anthony Tempesta
Dorothy Temple
Stanley L. Temple
David G.F. Tengelin
Brian Terrenzi
Goumatie T. Thackurdeen "Goumie"
Brian T. Thompson
Glenn E. Thompson
Nigel Bruce Thompson
Perry Anthony Thompson
Vanavah Alexi Thompson
Capt. William H. Thompson
Eric Raymond Thorpe "Rick"
Nichola A. Thorpe
John P Tierney
Stephen E Tighe
Scott C Timmes
Robert F. Tipaldi
John J Tipping II
David Tirado
Hector L Tirado Jr.
Michelle Titolo
Richard J. Todisco "Dick"
Stephen K. Tompsett
Thomas Tong
Doris Torres
Luis Eduardo Torres "Eddie"
Daniel Patrick Trant "Dan"
Abdoul K Traore
Felicia Traylor-Bass
Karamo Trerra
Michael A. Trinidad
Gregory J. Trost
Ching P. Tung
Donald J. Tuzio
Robert T. Twomey
Jennifer Tzemis
Tyler Victor Ugolyn "Ty"
Allen V. Upton
Diane Maria Urban
John D. Vaccacio "Damien"
William Valcarcel
Felix A. Vale
Ivan Vale
Benito Valentin
Santos Valentin
Carlton F. Valvo II
Erica Van Acker
Kenneth W. Van Auken
Richard Bruce Van Hine
Frederick T. Varacchi
Gopalakrishnan Varadhan "Gopal"
David Vargas
Azael I. Vasquez
Arcangel Vazquez
Santos Vazquez
Peter A. Vega "Petie,Porky,BigHead"
Lawrence Veling
Anthony M. Ventura
David Vera
Loretta A. Vero
Matthew G. Vianna
Celeste T. Victoria
Joanna Vidal
John T. Vigiano II "Vig"
Joseph V. Vigiano "JoeyVig"
Frank J. Vignola Jr.
Claribel Villalobos Hernandez
Sergio Villanueva
Chantal Vincelli
Melissa Vincent
Francine A. Virgilio
Lawrence J. Virgilio
Joseph G. Visciano
Joshua S. Vitale
Maria P. Vola
Lynette D. Vosges
Garo H. Voskerijian
Alfred Vukosa
Gregory Wachtler
Gabriela S. Waisman
Victor Wald
Benjamin J. Walker
Mitchel Scott Wallace "Mitch"
Lt. Robert F. Wallace "Bobby"
Jeanmarie Wallendorf
Matthew Blake Wallens "Blake"
John Wallice Jr. "Red"
Barbara Walsh
Jeffrey P. Walz
Weibin Wang
Lt. Michael Warchola
James A. Waring "Jimmy"
Derrick Washington
Charles Waters
James T. Waters Jr. "Muddy"
Capt. Patrick J . Waters
Kenneth Watson
Todd Christopher Weaver
Walter E. Weaver
Dinah Webster
Joanne Flora Weil
Michael Weinberg
Steven J. Weinberg "Stevie"
Scott Jeffrey Weingard
Steven Weinstein
Simon Weiser
David M. Weiss
David Thomas Weiss
Deborah A. Welsh
Timothy M. Welty "Timmy"
Ssu-Hui Wen "Vanessa"
Oleh D. Wengerchuk
Whitfield West
Eugene Whelan
Adam S. White
Edward J. White
John S. White
Kenneth W. White
Leonard A. White
Malissa White
Wayne White
Leanne M. Whiteside
Mark P. Whitford
Mary Lenz Wieman
Jeffrey David Wiener
William J. Wik
Alison M. Wildman
Lt. Glenn Wilkinson
Brian Patrick Williams
Crossley Williams Jr.
David Lucian Williams
Kevin M. Williams
Louie A. Williams
Lt. John P. Williamson
Donna Ann Wilson
William E. Wilson "Bill"
David Harold Winton
Glenn J. Winuk
Thomas F. Wise
David Wiswall
Sigrid C. Wiswe
Michael R. Wittenstein
Katherine S. Wolf
Jennifer Y. Wong "Fa-Fa"
Yin Ping Wong "Steven"
Yuk Ping Wong "Winnie"
James J. Woods "Jimmy"
Patrick Woods "Patty"
Capt. David T. Wooley
William Wren Ret.
John W. Wright Jr.
Jupiter Yambem
Myrna Yaskulka
Shakila Yasmin
Olabisi L. Yee
Raymond York
Suzanne Youmans
Jacqueline Young "Jakki"
Elkin Yuen
Joseph Zaccoli
Arkady Zaltsman
Edwin J. Zambrana Jr.
Ira Zaslow
Abraham J. Zelmanowitz "Abe"
Martin M. Zempoaltecatl
Zhe Zeng "Zack"
Marc Scott Zeplin "Zep"
Jie Yao Justin Zhao "Justin"
Ivelin Ziminski
Prokopios Paul Zois "Paul"
Joseph J. Zuccala
Andrew Steven Zucker
Joseph Patrick Shea
The British Memorial Garden at Hanover Square Park in New York honors the 67 British victims of the World Trade Center attacks. The idea for the garden in the heart of Lower Manhattan was conceived after 9/11 by Camilla G. Hellman, president of the British Memorial Garden Trust, Inc. Camilla was in New York on 9/11 and experienced the loss of a personal friend. She felt it was important for families visiting Ground Zero to also have a chance to visit a peaceful place in Lower Manhattan that would evoke a sense of enclosure. Camilla immediately thought of a British garden. "I wanted something that had a permanent legacy," she said. "I wanted to do something that would mean something to everybody." The garden is also dedicated to celebrating the strong historic ties of friendship and unity between the United States and the United Kingdom, Hellman said. A gift to the people and city of New York from the Anglo-American community and friends, the garden was funded by donations from individuals, corporations and foundations. Under the auspices of the British Memorial Garden Trust, Inc., which has the royal patronage of Prince Charles, a fund-raising campaign was launched in 2003 to build and maintain this important international initiative. Ground was broken on the $6.75 million project in 2005 and the garden opened to the public in the summer of 2007. Before, Hanover Square Park was a rather austere place. Now, it's been transformed into an inviting oasis of trees, flowering plants, stone benches and curving pathways. The British Memorial Garden was designed by Isabel and Julian Bannerman, leading British landscape architects who are best known for their work for Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. All of the garden's elements come from the United Kingdom, including stone from Scotland and Wales and benches of English stone manufactured in Northern Ireland. The stone carving in the garden, including the county map of Great Britain, was done by British sculptor Simon Verity. A British Memorial Garden sculpture to "Unity" will anchor the garden and will be created by British artist Anish Kapoor. Landscaping began in the spring of 2007 and continued this past autumn, with the planting of 7,000 bulbs that will bloom this spring. Hanover Square, a one-half acre public park in New York's Financial District, dates back to colonial times and was named for the British House of Hanover. For many years, it was the center of New York's commodities market. The Square, which is actually triangular in shape, is bordered by Pearl Street, Stone Street and a street named Hanover Square. At the Square, the British Memorial Garden Trust, Inc. presents a program of cultural events that are free to the community. The events are designed to promote British heritage and help revitalize the Lower Manhattan neighborhood. On Friday, April 4, 2008, a pipes and drums concert will be held in the Square to celebrate Tartan Week. Since 2003, a 9/11 Memorial Concert has been held at Hanover Square Park each September 11th; the next one is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2008. Other public events have included a holiday caroling concert and tree lighting ceremony, and performances by the Royal Marines Brass Band and Welsh choirs for St. David’s Day. Typically, upwards of 200 people attend each event. Purpose: According to the British Memorial Garden website, "The Garden is intended both as a living memorial and as a place of solitude, comfort and reflection; a truly British garden drawing from the many wonderful elements of the historic gardens of Britain. It will be a gift to the people of New York, a place for the community to enjoy and experience the historic friendship linking the two nations. The Garden will also offer a place for the British community to hold annual Remembrance Day observances and reflect upon recent events and shared tragedies." Chairman of the Friends of the British Memorial Garden Camilla Hellman added that "people need to feel that the garden renews them, it's not a gravesite. The project grew out of 9-11 and honors the victims of 9-11, but it also honors the unity of Great Britain and the United States." Furthermore, as a British garden, it is designed to be a whole environment that is enclosed and beautiful. Everything from the stone to the bollards to the fence posts is created with British materials and designed with a British identity. It is also designed to promote unity amongst the different peoples of the United Kingdom. Reason site was selected: After September 11th, Hellman visited sites all over New York City in search of an appropriate location for a garden. Although Battery Park was suggested, Hellman felt that this area was already quite full of memorials to various events and groups. She discovered Hanover Square in Wall Street and found the space to be enclosed and appropriate, only later learning of the rich British and American Heritage that this site held. It was named Hanover Square during British colonial times, as inspired by London's Hanover Square. It became a residential, publishing, and retail center of Manhattan in the 18th century. Today, it will become a part of 14 rehabilitated parks in Lower Manhattan, including several that are being designed to promote access to the East River. Events planned for site: The British Memorial Garden will be used for annual 9/11 Memorial Concerts, Remembrance Day events on November 11th, as well as Tartan Day Concerts in April and a "Victorian Celebration" for the holidays in December and other cultural events. Surrounding businesses and local residents have formed a Community Liaison Committee to help shape future programming for the site. The garden will be used ever day for sitting, relaxing and reflection. Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place?: Hellman responded that "Ground Zero is sacred," and she did not believe the site was sacred. Rather, "it's a jewel that has to be treasured. You want to make it important to people so they embrace it; it has to be open to everybody."